#!/bin/sh [ -z "$EMACS_VERSION" ] && echo "Usage: EMACS_VERSION=25.1 install-emacs.sh or EMACS_VERSION=snapshot install-emacs.sh" && exit 1 [ -z "$EMACS_URL" ] && EMACS_URL="http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/gnu/emacs/" # I've assign 12G memory to /tmp as ramdisk [ -z "$EMACS_TMP" ] && EMACS_TMP="/tmp" if [ "$EMACS_VERSION" != "snapshot" ]; then echo "curl $EMACS_URL/emacs-$EMACS_VERSION.tar.gz" curl $EMACS_URL/emacs-$EMACS_VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvz -C $EMACS_TMP fi # @see http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Emacs/GNU_Emacs_developer_guide # @see http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-editors/emacs for info on Gentoo Linux # --without-gtk and --without-gtk3 is optional echo "Installing Emacs ..." if [ "$EMACS_VERSION" = "snapshot" ]; then cd $HOME/projs/emacs && mkdir -p $HOME/myemacs/snapshot && rm -rf $HOME/myemacs/snapshot/* && ./autogen.sh && ./configure CFLAGS=-no-pie --prefix=$HOME/myemacs/snapshot --without-x --without-dbus --without-sound --with-gnutls=no && make -j6 && make install echo "Emacs snapshot was installed!" elif [ "$EMACS_VERSION" = "28.1" ]; then cd $EMACS_TMP/emacs-$EMACS_VERSION && mkdir -p $HOME/myemacs/$EMACS_VERSION && rm -rf $HOME/myemacs/$EMACS_VERSION/* && ./configure CFLAGS=-no-pie --prefix=$HOME/myemacs/$EMACS_VERSION --without-x --without-sound --with-gnutls=no --with-modules --with-native-compilation --without-compress-install && make -j6 && make install else cd $EMACS_TMP/emacs-$EMACS_VERSION && mkdir -p $HOME/myemacs/$EMACS_VERSION && rm -rf $HOME/myemacs/$EMACS_VERSION/* && ./configure CFLAGS=-no-pie --prefix=$HOME/myemacs/$EMACS_VERSION --without-x --without-sound --with-gnutls=no --with-modules && make -j6 && make install rm -rf $EMACS_TMP/emacs-$EMACS_VERSION echo "Emacs $EMACS_VERSION was installed!" fi