# TinyVim - Minimal Neovim config meant to be a starting point for new neovim users. ![2023-09-26-133901_2560x1440_scrot](https://github.com/NvChad/tinyvim/assets/59060246/ce143ca2-07f1-4d54-971d-0f8304c50b58) # Install - Linux ```bash git clone https://github.com/NvChad/tinyvim ~/.config/nvim && nvim ``` - Windows ```bash git clone https://github.com/NvChad/tinyvim $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim --depth 1 && nvim ``` # Dir structure ```bash ├── init.lua ├── lua ├── commands.lua ├── mappings.lua ├── options.lua └── plugins ├── init.lua ├── configs ├── cmp.lua ├── telescope.lua └── ( more ... ) ``` # About - Dont expect this config to be beautiful or blazing fast (no hardcore lazyloading is done)! - I'm just using some plugins with their default configs - This config only uses only lesser plugins which I think are important for any config. # Important Plugins used Below is the list of some very important plugins which I think should be must for any neovim config. | Name | Description | |-------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | nvim-tree.lua | File tree | | Nvim-web-devicons | Icons provider | | nvim-treesitter | Configure treesitter | | bufferline.nvim | Tab + bufferline plugin | | nvim-cmp | Autocompletion | | Luasnip & friendly snippets | Snippets | | mason.nvim | Download binaries of various lsps, formatters, debuggers, etc. | | gitsigns.nvim | Git-related features | | comment.nvim | Commenting | | telescope.nvim | Fuzzy finder | | conform.nvim | Formatter |