#!/bin/sh # after archinstall... USER=lizzy MACHINE_ZSH=~/scripts/machine-specific-zsh/$(hostname).zsh CURSOR_THEME="Oxygen 19 Pink Blossom" # Some packages sudo pacman -S git vim \ networkmanager firefox alacritty zsh \ sway inetutils playerctl rustup tmux \ openssl-1.1 bluez bluez-utils wget \ base-devel dunst wofi noto-fonts-emoji \ light brightnessctl pass docker \ pavucontrol seahorse man xorg xorg-xwayland \ lxappearance # rustup rustup default stable # Submodules - zsh stuff and pikaur git submodule init git submodule sync git submodule update # pikaur cd ~/src/pikaur makepkg -si cd ~ # AUR packages pikaur -S xremap-x11-bin spotify-tui-bin \ betterdiscord-installer-bin discord obs-studio \ nerd-fonts-cozette-ttf ttf-font-awesome ttf-cozette \ waybar swaybg emacs-gcc-wayland-devel-bin swaylock-corrupter # Copy cursors sudo cp -r ~/.icons/"$CURSOR_THEME" /usr/share/icons # xremap sudo groupadd input lsmod | grep uinput || echo 'uinput' | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/uinput.conf && \ echo 'KERNEL=="uinput", GROUP="input", MODE="0660"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules sudo usermod -aG input $USER systemctl enable --user xremap # spotifyd pikaur -S spotifyd systemctl enable --user spotifyd # chsh to zsh chsh $USER --shell /bin/zsh # Docker sudo systemctl enable --now docker sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # Setup asdf-vm, thefuck pikaur -S asdf-vm thefuck echo ". /opt/asdf-vm/asdf.sh" >> $MACHINE_ZSH echo "eval \$(thefuck --alias)" >> $MACHINE_ZSH # setup node versions . /opt/asdf-vm/asdf.sh asdf plugin add nodejs asdf install nodejs lts-gallium asdf global nodejs lts-gallium # Now, generate ssh key ssh-keygen -t ed25519 echo "Now, you still need to:" echo " . Import your GPG key and --edit-key with ultimate trust" echo " . pass --init " echo " . Setup spotify-tui with client id from spotify.com" echo " . Put spotify password in `pass insert spotify` for spotifyd" echo " . Login to firefox" echo " . Put ssh key into GitHub, change remote origin in ~" echo " . Add waybar config in .config/waybar/local.d"