defmodule AggieditWeb.PostChannel do use AggieditWeb, :channel alias Aggiedit.Roles alias Aggiedit.Repo alias Aggiedit.Rooms @impl true def join("post:" <> post_id, _payload, socket) do post = Rooms.get_post!(post_id) if Roles.guard?(socket.assigns.current_user, :show, post) do send(self(), :after_join) {:ok, assign(socket, %{:post => post})} else {:error, "You do not have permission to view this post."} end end @impl true def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do comments = |> Repo.preload(comments: [:user]) |> Map.get(:comments) |> c -> Aggiedit.Post.Comment.serialize(c) end) push(socket, "initial-comments", %{:comments => comments}) broadcast!(socket, "join", %{user: socket.assigns.current_user.username}) {:noreply, socket} end @impl true def handle_in("send", %{"body" => comment}, socket) do {:ok, comment} = Rooms.comment_post(, socket.assigns.current_user, comment) broadcast!(socket, "shout", Aggiedit.Post.Comment.serialize(comment)) {:reply, :ok, socket} end end