Welcome to AggiEdit!

How does it work?

AggiEdit is a Reddit clone, but "sub-aggies" are only available to other users that share the same domain name in the email as yourself. For example, if you sign up with your email address "joe@mailinator.com" you are assigned to the sub-aggie "mailinator.com".
In a sub-aggie, you can create posts with a title, a body, and an attachment. Posts are visible to everyone in your sub-aggie, and a realtime chat-room is created for each post in the sub-aggie to discuss that post.

<%= if !@current_user do %>

Get started by <%= link "registering", to: Routes.user_registration_path(@conn, :new) %> to be able to view posts in your sub-aggie!

<% else %>

You are signed in! <%= link "Visit your sub-aggie!", to: "/room/#{@current_user.room_id}" %>

<% end %>