2022-04-14 00:18:01 -06:00

26 lines
921 B

Welcome to AggiEdit!
How does it work?
AggiEdit is a Reddit clone, but "sub-aggies" are only available to other users that share the same domain name in the email as yourself.
For example, if you sign up with your email address "" you are assigned to the sub-aggie "".
In a sub-aggie, you can create posts with a title, a body, and an attachment. Posts are visible to everyone in your sub-aggie, and a realtime
chat-room is created for each post in the sub-aggie to discuss that post.
<%= if !@current_user do %>
Get started by <%= link "registering", to: Routes.user_registration_path(@conn, :new) %> to be able to view posts in your sub-aggie!
<% else %>
You are signed in! <%= link "Visit your sub-aggie!", to: "/room/#{@current_user.room_id}" %>
<% end %>