game.system.Collision = (entitiesGrid) => { const update = (elapsedTime, entities, changedIds) => { const thisChangedIds = new Set(); for (let entity of Object.keys(entities).map((id) => entities[id])) { if (entity.hasComponent("controllable") && entity.hasComponent("gridPosition") && entity.hasComponent("momentum")) { const momentum = unitize(entity.components.momentum); let found; const proposed = {x: entity.components.gridPosition.x + momentum.dx, y: entity.components.gridPosition.y + momentum.dy}; const entitiesToPush = []; let wall = false; do { const proposedClampedInBounds = clamp(proposed, game.config.xDim-1, game.config.yDim-1); if (!equivalence(proposed, proposedClampedInBounds)) { break; } found = false; const entitiesInCell = entitiesGrid[proposed.y][proposed.x]; for (let next of entitiesInCell.values()) { if (next.hasComponent("stop")) { wall = next; found = false; break; } if (next.hasComponent("pushable")) { entitiesToPush.push(next); found = true; } } proposed.x += momentum.dx; proposed.y += momentum.dy; } while(found); if (wall) { entity.removeComponent("momentum"); } else { => { const pushedParticleSpawner = game.createBorderParticles(); pushedParticleSpawner.addComponent(game.components.Position(e.components.position)); pushedParticleSpawner.addComponent(game.components.Appearance({width: game.canvas.width / game.config.xDim, height: game.canvas.height / game.config.yDim})); game.entities[] = pushedParticleSpawner; e.addComponent(game.components.Momentum({...momentum})) }); } } } return thisChangedIds; }; return { update }; };