This app is designed to used as a starting point for another application so you will want to clone the project into a folder that matches your app. Run
and follow the prompts. This script will link the repo to your new repo while maintaining a reference to the starter app repo. This way, if we make changes to the starter app repo, you can still get those changes.
I know there are bunch of editors but trust me, VS Code will make your life easier, mostly becuase it is what I use and if you have issues I can help you. If you use something else IT WILL BE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE IT IS CONFIGURED PROPERLY.
Look [here](/ for information about which extensions and settings we will use.
### WSL
If you are on Windows you will need to install WSL2 you must be on windows 10 or higher.
You can find the instructions on how to set this up [here.](/
Tool versions are managed using `asdf-vm`. You will need to have `asdf-vm` installed first. You can install it by following the instructions [here.](/
Notice that the `client` folder has its own `package.json` file and its own `node_modules`. If you add dependencies for the client make sure to `cd` into the `client` directory before doing `yarn add`
If you make changes to the seeds file at `server/database/seeds.ts` the make sure that, in the event seeds are run multiple times, you don't end up with duplicate data.
We will deploy all our projects to Heroku. Heroku is a cloud platform that is easy and free to use. You will only need to run these step once for each computer you are working on this semester.
1. Go to your heroku dashboard and create a new application.
2. Once your app has been created you will need to enable the Postgres addon. Select the `Resources` tab and search for `Heroku Postgres` addon.
3. On the screen that pops up make sure `Hobby Dev` is selected (that is the free option) and click the submit order button.
4. Click on the `Settings` tab, select the `Reveal Config Vars` button, and verify you have an entry for `DATABASE_URL`.
### Setup config vars
You will need to add entries in Heroku for each of the production config vars in the `.env` file.
To do this go the `Settings` tab in your app on heroku and click `Reveal Config Vars`. Fill out the key and value for each entry.
**DO NOT MANUALLY SET THE `PORT`, `USE_SSL`, `NODE_ENV`, OR `DATABASE_URL` VARS.** These will be managed for you by Heroku
You should generate new values for the `ENCRYPTION_KEY`, `REFRESH_ENCRYPTION_KEY`, and `ADMIN_PASSWORD` vars. I recommend using a real email address for your `ADMIN_EMAIL`.
All vars should be named the exact same as they are in the `.env` file.