import { Injectable, CanActivate, ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common'; import { JwtService } from '../services/jwt.service'; import { GuardUtil } from '../util/guard.util'; import { Socket } from ''; import { WsException } from '@nestjs/websockets'; @Injectable() export class GatewayAuthGuard implements CanActivate { constructor(private guardUtil: GuardUtil, private jwtService: JwtService) {} canActivate(context: ExecutionContext) { // Handlers and Controllers can both skip this guard in the event that if (this.guardUtil.shouldSkip(this, context)) { return true; } const req = context.switchToHttp().getRequest() as Socket; const jwt = req.handshake.auth.token; if (!jwt) throw new WsException('Invalid auth token'); try { req.handshake.auth.jwtBody = this.jwtService.parseToken(jwt); } catch (e) { throw new WsException('Invalid auth token'); } return true; } }