import { UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ConnectedSocket, MessageBody, OnGatewayConnection, OnGatewayDisconnect, OnGatewayInit, SubscribeMessage, WebSocketGateway, WebSocketServer, WsException, } from '@nestjs/websockets'; import { GatewayJwtBody } from 'server/decorators/gateway_jwt_body.decorator'; import { JwtBodyDto } from 'server/dto/jwt_body.dto'; import { Server, Socket } from ''; import { GatewayAuthGuard } from '../guards/gatewayauth.guard'; import { JwtService } from '../services/jwt.service'; import { UsersService } from '../services/users.service'; @WebSocketGateway() @UseGuards(GatewayAuthGuard) export class ChatRoomGateway implements OnGatewayInit, OnGatewayConnection, OnGatewayDisconnect { @WebSocketServer() server: Server; constructor(private jwtService: JwtService, private userService: UsersService) {} afterInit(server: Server) { console.log('Sockets initialized'); } handleConnection(client: Socket) { // you can do things like add users to rooms // or emit events here. // IMPORTANT! The GatewayAuthGuard doesn't trigger on these handlers // if you need to do anything in this method you need to authenticate the JWT // manually. try { const jwt = client.handshake.auth.token; const jwtBody = this.jwtService.parseToken(jwt); const chatRoomId = client.handshake.query.chatRoomId; console.log('Client Connected: ', jwtBody.userId); client.join(chatRoomId); } catch (e) { throw new WsException('Invalid token'); } } handleDisconnect(client: Socket) { console.log('Client Disconnected'); } @SubscribeMessage('message') public async handleMessage( @ConnectedSocket() client: Socket, @MessageBody() data: string, @GatewayJwtBody() jwtBody: JwtBodyDto, ) { const user = await this.userService.find(jwtBody.userId);'new-message', { id: * Math.random() * 2048 *, content: data, userName: `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`, userId:, }); } }