import Data.List (find, transpose) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text countVisibleTrees :: [[Int]] -> [Int] -> Int -> (Set.Set (Int, Int)) -> (Set.Set (Int, Int)) countVisibleTrees [] _ _ seen = seen countVisibleTrees (row:rows) maxTrees depth seen = countVisibleTrees rows (zipWith (\x y -> max x y) row maxTrees) (depth + 1) (foldl (\acc x -> Set.insert x acc) seen (zipWith (\i x -> if x == 1 then (depth, i) else (0, 0)) [0 ..] (zipWith (\x y -> if x > y then 1 else 0) row maxTrees))) treeScore :: [[Int]] -> (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int -> [Int] treeScore digits (x, y) width height = let currentHeight = ((digits !! y) !! x) in [ (case (find (\x -> (digits !! y) !! x >= currentHeight) [(x + 1) .. (width - 1)]) of Just value -> (value - x) Nothing -> (width - x - 1)) , (case (find (\x -> (digits !! y) !! x >= currentHeight) (reverse [0 .. (x - 1)])) of Just value -> (x - value) Nothing -> x) , (case (find (\y -> (digits !! y) !! x >= currentHeight) (reverse [0 .. (y - 1)])) of Just value -> (y - value) Nothing -> y) , (case (find (\y -> (digits !! y) !! x >= currentHeight) [(y + 1) .. (height - 1)]) of Just value -> (value - y) Nothing -> (height - y - 1)) ] getDigitsFromString :: String -> [Int] getDigitsFromString = map (read . (: "")) rotl :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] rotl = reverse . transpose rotr :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] rotr = transpose . reverse main = do ls <- fmap Text.lines (Text.readFile "input") let digits = map (getDigitsFromString . Text.unpack) ls let height = length digits let width = length (head digits) let topDownSeen = countVisibleTrees digits (take width (repeat (-1))) 0 Set.empty let rightLeftSeen = (\x -> ((snd x), width - (fst x) - 1)) (countVisibleTrees (rotl digits) (take height (repeat (-1))) 0 Set.empty) let downTopSeen = (\x -> (height - (fst x) - 1, (snd x))) (countVisibleTrees (reverse digits) (take width (repeat (-1))) 0 Set.empty) let leftRightSeen = (\x -> (height - (snd x) - 1, (fst x))) (countVisibleTrees (rotr digits) (take height (repeat (-1))) 0 Set.empty) let allSeen = (foldl (\acc x -> Set.union acc x) Set.empty [topDownSeen, rightLeftSeen, downTopSeen, leftRightSeen]) print (Set.size allSeen) print (maximum (map (\y -> maximum (map (\x -> (foldl (\acc x -> acc * x) 1 (treeScore digits (x, y) width height))) [0 .. (width - 1)])) [0 .. (height - 1)]))