export const cardOrder = "A, K, Q, T, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, J" .split(", ") .reverse(); export const score = (hand: string) => { const highestCardNotJoker = hand.split("").reduce( ([card, count], x) => { if (x === "J") return [card, count] as [string, number]; const appearances = hand.match(new RegExp(x, "g"))!.length; if (appearances > count) { return [x, appearances] as [string, number]; } return [card, count] as [string, number]; }, ["J", 0] as [string, number] ); const newHand = hand.replaceAll("J", highestCardNotJoker[0]); const cards = newHand.split(""); // five of a kind if (newHand.match(new RegExp(cards[0], "g"))?.length === cards.length) return 6; // four of a kind for (const card of cards) { if (newHand.match(new RegExp(card, "g"))?.length === 4) return 5; } // full house let threeMatching = cards.some( (card) => newHand.match(new RegExp(card, "g"))?.length === 3 ); let twoMatching = cards.find( (card) => newHand.match(new RegExp(card, "g"))?.length === 2 ); if (threeMatching && twoMatching) return 4; if (threeMatching) return 3; let twoMatchingUnique = cards.find( (card) => card !== twoMatching && newHand.match(new RegExp(card, "g"))?.length === 2 ); if (twoMatchingUnique) return 2; if (twoMatching) return 1; return 0; }; export const main = async (lines: string[]): Promise => { const hands: { hand: string; bid: number }[] = lines .map((line) => { const [hand, bidS] = line.split(" "); const bid = parseInt(bidS); return { hand, bid }; }) .sort(({ hand: handOne }, { hand: handTwo }) => { const scoreOne = score(handOne); const scoreTwo = score(handTwo); if (scoreOne === scoreTwo) { let [cardOneScore, cardTwoScore] = [-1, -1]; let i = 0; while (cardOneScore === cardTwoScore && i < handOne.length) { cardOneScore = cardOrder.indexOf(handOne[i]); cardTwoScore = cardOrder.indexOf(handTwo[i]); i++; } return cardOneScore - cardTwoScore; } return scoreOne - scoreTwo; }); return hands.reduce((acc, { bid }, i) => acc + bid * (i + 1), 0); }; // const isrun = process.argv.length > 1 && process.argv[1] === import.meta.path; if (isrun) { const file = Bun.file("./problem.txt"); const text = await file.text(); const lines = text.split("\n").filter((x) => x && x.length); console.log("=== COMPUTATION ===\n"); const answer = await main(lines); console.log("\n=== /COMPUTATION ===\n"); console.log("=== ANSWER TO P2 ==="); console.log(answer); }