import { JSONHashMap } from "@/utils"; export const infinity = Math.pow(2, 42); export type Pair = [number, number]; const getIntervals = (lines: string[]) => { const maps: number[][][] = []; for (const line of lines.slice(1, lines.length)) { if (!line) continue; if (line.includes("to")) { maps.push([]); continue; } const currMap =; const [dest, source, range] = line.split(" ").map((x) => parseInt(x)); if (currMap) { currMap.push([dest, source, range]); } } return maps; }; const constructPiecewiseFn = (intervals: number[][]) => { const fn: JSONHashMap = new JSONHashMap(); let fromIntervals: Pair[] = []; for (const [dest, source, range] of intervals) { const fromI = [source, source + range - 1]; fromIntervals.push([source, source + range - 1]); fn.set(fromI as Pair, [dest, dest + range - 1]); } fromIntervals = fromIntervals.sort( ([source_a], [source_b]) => source_a - source_b ); for (let i = 0; i < fromIntervals.length - 1; i++) { const [_start, end] = fromIntervals[i]; const [nextStart, _nextEnd] = fromIntervals[i + 1]; if (end !== nextStart - 1) { fn.set([end + 1, nextStart - 1], [end + 1, nextStart - 1]); } } if (fromIntervals[0][0] !== 0) { const [start, _end] = fromIntervals[0]; fn.set([0, start - 1], [0, start - 1]); } const final: Pair = [![1] + 1, infinity]; fn.set(final, final); return fn .keys() .map((range) => [range, fn.get(range)!] as [Pair, Pair]) .sort(([[source_a]], [[source_b]]) => source_a - source_b); }; export const compose = (f: [Pair, Pair][], g: [Pair, Pair][]) => { const composed: [Pair, Pair][] = []; for (const [fDomain, fRange] of f) { const fOffset = fRange[0] - fDomain[0]; for (const [gDomain, gRange] of g) { const gOffset = gRange[0] - gDomain[0]; const start = Math.max(fDomain[0], gDomain[0] - fOffset); const end = Math.min(fDomain[1], gDomain[1] - fOffset); if (start > end) continue; composed.push([ [start, end], [ start + fOffset + gOffset, Math.min(end + fOffset + gOffset, infinity), ], ]); } } return composed; }; export const main = async (lines: string[]): Promise => { const seeds = lines[0] .split(":") .at(1)! .split(" ") .filter((x) => x) .map((x) => parseInt(x)); const seedIntervals: Pair[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < seeds.length; i += 2) { const [seed, offset] = [seeds[i], seeds[i + 1]]; seedIntervals.push([seed, seed + offset]); } const intervals = getIntervals(lines); const finalComposition: [Pair, Pair][] = intervals .slice(1) .reduce( (acc, x) => compose(acc, constructPiecewiseFn(x)), constructPiecewiseFn(intervals[0]) ); let min = infinity; for (const [start, end] of seedIntervals) { for (const [domain, range] of finalComposition) { if (start <= domain[1] && domain[0] <= end) { const begin = Math.max(domain[0], start); const last = Math.min(domain[1], end); const seedRangeMin = Math.min( range[0] + (begin - domain[0]), range[0] + (last - domain[0]) ); min = Math.min(min, seedRangeMin); } } } return min; }; // const isrun = process.argv.length > 1 && process.argv[1] === import.meta.path; if (isrun) { const file = Bun.file("./problem.txt"); const text = await file.text(); const lines = text.split("\n").filter((x) => x && x.length); console.log("=== COMPUTATION ===\n"); const answer = await main(lines); console.log("\n=== /COMPUTATION ===\n"); console.log("=== ANSWER TO P2 ==="); console.log(answer); }