export const main = async (lines: string[]): Promise => { const colors = new Map([ ["red", 12], ["green", 13], ["blue", 14], ]); const games = lines .filter((x) => x) .map((line) => line.split(":").at(-1) as string) .map((line) => line.split(";").map((x) => x.trim())); const unplayableGames = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < games.length; i++) { const game = games[i]; for (const play of game) { const sets = play.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); for (const [num, color] of sets.map((s) => s.split(" "))) { const totalColors = colors.get(color) ?? 0; if (parseInt(num) > totalColors) { unplayableGames.add(i + 1); } } } } const n = games.length; const perfect = (n * (n + 1)) / 2; return perfect - Array.from(unplayableGames).reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0); }; // const isrun = process.argv.length > 1 && process.argv[1] === import.meta.path; if (isrun) { const file = Bun.file("./problem.txt"); const text = await file.text(); const lines = text.split("\n"); console.log("=== COMPUTATION ===\n"); const answer = await main(lines); console.log("\n=== /COMPUTATION ===\n"); console.log("=== ANSWER TO P1 ==="); console.log(answer); }