import { JSONSet, Vec2 } from "@/utils"; const isNumeric = (symbol: string) => symbol <= "9" && symbol >= "0"; export const main = async (lines: string[]): Promise => { const adjacentPoints: Vec2[] = []; const dimy = lines.length; for (let y = 0; y < lines.length; y++) { const dimx = lines[y].length; for (let x = 0; x < dimx; x++) { const symbol = lines[y][x]; if (symbol != "." && !isNumeric(symbol)) { for (let dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) { for (let dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { const newX = dx + x; const newY = dy + y; if ( !(dy === dx && dy === 0) && newX >= 0 && newX < dimx && newY < dimy && newY >= 0 ) { adjacentPoints.push({ x: x + dx, y: y + dy }); } } } } } } let sum = 0; const visitedPoints: JSONSet = new JSONSet(); for (const { x, y } of adjacentPoints) { const symbol = lines[y][x]; if (!isNumeric(symbol)) continue; let num = ""; if (!visitedPoints.has({ x, y })) { let x_i = x; while (x_i >= 0 && isNumeric(lines[y][x_i])) { x_i--; } x_i = Math.max(0, x_i + 1); while (x_i < lines[y].length && isNumeric(lines[y][x_i])) { num += lines[y][x_i]; visitedPoints.add({ x: x_i, y }); x_i++; } } if (num.trim() !== "") { sum += parseInt(num.trim()); } } return sum; }; // const isrun = process.argv.length > 1 && process.argv[1] === import.meta.path; if (isrun) { const file = Bun.file("./problem.txt"); const text = await file.text(); const lines = text.split("\n").filter((x) => x && x.length); console.log("=== COMPUTATION ===\n"); const answer = await main(lines); console.log("\n=== /COMPUTATION ===\n"); console.log("=== ANSWER TO P1 ==="); console.log(answer); }