import input from "fs"; class File { constructor(name, size, parent) { = name; this.fileSize = size; this.parent = parent; } size() { return this.fileSize; } } class Directory { constructor(name, parent) { this.children = []; = name; this.parent = parent; } add(child) { this.children.push(child); } size() { return this.children.reduce((acc, child) => acc + child.size(), 0); } searchDirectoresOfSizePredicate(sizeP) { const dirs = []; for (const child of this.children) { if (child instanceof Directory) { if (sizeP(child.size())) { dirs.push(child); } dirs.push(...child.searchDirectoresOfSizePredicate(sizeP)); } } return dirs; } } class OS { constructor() { this.root = new Directory("/", null); this.current = this.root; } cd(path) { if (path === "/") { this.current = this.root; } else if (path === ".." && this.current.parent) { this.current = this.current.parent; } else { this.current = this.current.children.find((child) => === path); } } printFs() { const print = (dir, depth) => { for (const child of dir.children) { console.log(" ".repeat(depth) +; if (child instanceof Directory) { print(child, depth + 1); } } }; print(this.root, 0); } } const main = () => { const os = new OS(); const lines = input.readFileSync("input", "utf8").split("\n"); let currentCommand = null; for (const line of lines) { if (line.startsWith("$")) { const [command, path] = line.split(" ").splice(1); if (command == "cd"); currentCommand = command; } else if (currentCommand == "ls") { const [dirOrSize, name] = line.split(" "); if (dirOrSize === "dir") { const dir = new Directory(name, os.current); os.current.add(dir); } else { const file = new File(name, parseInt(dirOrSize), os.current); os.current.add(file); } } } //os.printFs(); console.log( os.root .searchDirectoresOfSizePredicate((size) => size <= 100000) .reduce((a, x) => a + x.size(), 0) ); const rootSize = os.root.size(); const freeSpace = 70000000 - rootSize; console.log( [...os.root.searchDirectoresOfSizePredicate(() => true), os.root] .map((x) => x.size()) .filter((x) => freeSpace + x >= 30000000) .reduce((a, x) => Math.min(a, x), Infinity) ); }; main();