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2020-06-30 22:04:55 -04:00
* Source File:
* User Interface Draw : put pixels on the screen
* Author:
* Br. Helfrich
* Summary:
* This is the code necessary to draw on the screen. We have a collection
* of procedural functions here because each draw function does not
* retain state. In other words, they are verbs (functions), not nouns
* (variables) or a mixture (objects)
#include <string> // need you ask?
#include <sstream> // convert an integer into text
#include <cassert> // I feel the need... the need for asserts
#include <time.h> // for clock
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <openGL/gl.h> // Main OpenGL library
#include <GLUT/glut.h> // Second OpenGL library
#endif // __APPLE__
#ifdef __linux__
#include <GL/gl.h> // Main OpenGL library
#include <GL/glut.h> // Second OpenGL library
#endif // __linux__
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <GL/glut.h> // OpenGL library we copied
#include <math.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include "point.h"
#include "uiDraw.h"
using namespace std;
#define deg2rad(value) ((M_PI / 180) * (value))
* We are drawing the text for score and things
* like that by hand to make it look "old school."
* These are how we render each individual charactger.
* Note how -1 indicates "done". These are paired
* coordinates where the even are the x and the odd
* are the y and every 2 pairs represents a point
const char NUMBER_OUTLINES[10][20] =
{0, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0, 7,10, 7,10, 0,10, 0,10, 0, 0, -1,-1, -1,-1},//0
{7, 0, 7,10, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1},//1
{0, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0, 7, 5, 7, 5, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0,10, 0,10, 7,10},//2
{0, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0, 7,10, 7,10, 0,10, 4, 5, 7, 5, -1,-1, -1,-1},//3
{0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 5, 7, 5, 7, 0, 7,10, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1},//4
{7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7,10, 7,10, 0,10},//5
{7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,10, 0,10, 7,10, 7,10, 7, 5, 7, 5, 0, 5},//6
{0, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0, 7,10, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1, -1,-1},//7
{0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 5, 7, 5, 0,10, 7,10, 0, 0, 0,10, 7, 0, 7,10},//8
{0, 0, 7, 0, 7, 0, 7,10, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 5, 7, 5, -1,-1, -1,-1} //9
* Draw a single digit in the old school line drawing style. The
* size of the glyph is 8x11 or x+(0..7), y+(0..10)
* INPUT topLeft The top left corner of the character
* digit The digit we are rendering: '0' .. '9'
void drawDigit(const Point & topLeft, char digit)
// we better be only drawing digits
if (!isdigit(digit))
// compute the row as specified by the digit
int r = digit - '0';
assert(r >= 0 && r <= 9);
// go through each segment.
for (int c = 0; c < 20 && NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c] != -1; c += 4)
assert(NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c ] != -1 &&
NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c + 1] != -1 &&
NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c + 2] != -1 &&
NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c + 3] != -1);
//Draw a line based off of the num structure for each number
Point start;
start.setX(topLeft.getX() + NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c]);
start.setY(topLeft.getY() - NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c + 1]);
Point end;
end.setX(topLeft.getX() + NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c + 2]);
end.setY(topLeft.getY() - NUMBER_OUTLINES[r][c + 3]);
drawLine(start, end);
* Display an integer on the screen using the 7-segment method
* INPUT topLeft The top left corner of the character
* digit The digit we are rendering: '0' .. '9'
void drawNumber(const Point & topLeft, int number)
// our cursor, if you will. It will advance as we output digits
Point point = topLeft;
// is this negative
bool isNegative = (number < 0);
number *= (isNegative ? -1 : 1);
// render the number as text
ostringstream sout;
sout << number;
string text = sout.str();
// handle the negative
if (isNegative)
glVertex2f(point.getX() + 1, point.getY() - 5);
glVertex2f(point.getX() + 5, point.getY() - 5);
// walk through the text one digit at a time
for (const char *p = text.c_str(); *p; p++)
drawDigit(point, *p);
* Draw text using a simple bitmap font
* INPUT topLeft The top left corner of the text
* text The text to be displayed
void drawText(const Point & topLeft, const char * text)
void *pFont = GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12; // also try _18
// prepare to draw the text from the top-left corner
glRasterPos2f(topLeft.getX(), topLeft.getY());
// loop through the text
for (const char *p = text; *p; p++)
glutBitmapCharacter(pFont, *p);
* Draw a POLYGON from a given location (center) of a given size (radius).
* INPUT center Center of the polygon
* radius Size of the polygon
* points How many points will we draw it. Larger the number,
* the more line segments we will use
* rotation True circles are rotation independent. However, if you
* are drawing a 3-sided polygon (triangle), this matters!
void drawPolygon(const Point & center, int radius, int points, int rotation)
// begin drawing
//loop around a circle the given number of times drawing a line from
//one point to the next
for (double i = 0; i < 2 * M_PI; i += (2 * M_PI) / points)
Point temp(false /*check*/);
temp.setX(center.getX() + (radius * cos(i)));
temp.setY(center.getY() + (radius * sin(i)));
rotate(temp, center, rotation);
glVertex2f(temp.getX(), temp.getY());
// complete drawing
* Rotate a given point (point) around a given origin (center) by a given
* number of degrees (angle).
* INPUT point The point to be moved
* center The center point we will rotate around
* rotation Rotation in degrees
* OUTPUT point The new position
void rotate(Point & point, const Point & origin, int rotation)
// because sine and cosine are expensive, we want to call them only once
double cosA = cos(deg2rad(rotation));
double sinA = sin(deg2rad(rotation));
// remember our original point
Point tmp(false /*check*/);
tmp.setX(point.getX() - origin.getX());
tmp.setY(point.getY() - origin.getY());
// find the new values
point.setX(static_cast<int> (tmp.getX() * cosA -
tmp.getY() * sinA) +
point.setY(static_cast<int> (tmp.getX() * sinA +
tmp.getY() * cosA) +
* Draw a line on the screen from the beginning to the end.
* INPUT begin The position of the beginning of the line
* end The position of the end of the line
void drawLine(const Point & begin, const Point & end,
float red, float green, float blue)
// Get ready...
glColor3f(red, green, blue);
// Draw the actual line
glVertex2f(begin.getX(), begin.getY());
glVertex2f( end.getX(), end.getY());
// Complete drawing
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 1.0 /* green % */, 1.0 /* blue % */);
* DRAW Lander
* Draw a moon-lander spaceship on the screen at a given point
void drawLander(const Point & point)
// ultra simple point
struct PT
int x;
int y;
} points[] =
{-6, 0}, {-10,0}, {-8, 0}, {-8, 3}, // left foot
{-5, 4}, {-5, 7}, {-8, 3}, {-5, 4}, // left leg
{-1, 4}, {-3, 2}, { 3, 2}, { 1, 4}, {-1, 4}, // bottom
{ 5, 4}, { 5, 7}, {-5, 7}, {-3, 7}, // engine square
{-6,10}, {-6,13}, {-3,16}, { 3,16}, // left of habitat
{ 6,13}, { 6,10}, { 3, 7}, { 5, 7}, // right of habitat
{ 5, 4}, { 8, 3}, { 5, 7}, { 5, 4}, // right leg
{ 8, 3}, { 8, 0}, {10, 0}, { 6, 0} // right foot
// draw it
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(points) / sizeof(points[0]); i++)
glVertex2f(point.getX() + points[i].x,
point.getY() + points[i].y);
// complete drawing
* DRAW Lander Flame
* Draw the flames coming out of a moonlander for thrust
void drawLanderFlames(const Point & point,
bool bottom,
bool left,
bool right)
// simple point
struct PT
int x;
int y;
int iFlame = random(0, 3); // so the flame flickers
// draw it
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 0.0 /* green % */, 0.0 /* blue % */);
// bottom thrust
if (bottom)
PT points[3][3] =
{ {-5, -6}, { 0, -1}, { 3, -10} },
{ {-3, -6}, {-1, -2}, { 0, -15} },
{ { 2, -12}, { 1, 0}, { 6, -4} }
glVertex2f(point.getX() - 2, point.getY() + 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
glVertex2f(point.getX() + points[iFlame][i].x,
point.getY() + points[iFlame][i].y);
glVertex2f(point.getX() + 2, point.getY() + 2);
// right thrust
if (right)
PT points[3][3] =
{ {10, 14}, { 8, 12}, {12, 12} },
{ {12, 10}, { 8, 10}, {10, 8} },
{ {14, 11}, {14, 11}, {14, 11} }
glVertex2f(point.getX() + 6, point.getY() + 12);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
glVertex2f(point.getX() + points[iFlame][i].x,
point.getY() + points[iFlame][i].y);
glVertex2f(point.getX() + 6, point.getY() + 10);
// left thrust
if (left)
PT points[3][3] =
{ {-10, 14}, { -8, 12}, {-12, 12} },
{ {-12, 10}, { -8, 10}, {-10, 8} },
{ {-14, 11}, {-14, 11}, {-14, 11} }
glVertex2f(point.getX() - 6, point.getY() + 12);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
glVertex2f(point.getX() + points[iFlame][i].x,
point.getY() + points[iFlame][i].y);
glVertex2f(point.getX() - 6, point.getY() + 10);
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 1.0 /* green % */, 1.0 /* blue % */);
* This function generates a random number.
* INPUT: min, max : The number of values (min <= num <= max)
* OUTPUT <return> : Return the integer
int random(int min, int max)
assert(min < max);
int num = (rand() % (max - min)) + min;
assert(min <= num && num <= max);
return num;
* This function generates a random number.
* INPUT: min, max : The number of values (min <= num <= max)
* OUTPUT <return> : Return the double
double random(double min, double max)
assert(min <= max);
double num = min + ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX * (max - min));
assert(min <= num && num <= max);
return num;
* Draw a rectangle on the screen centered on a given point (center) of
* a given size (width, height), and at a given orientation (rotation)
* INPUT center Center of the rectangle
* width Horizontal size
* height Vertical size
* rotation Orientation
void drawRect(const Point & center, int width, int height, int rotation)
Point tl(false /*check*/); // top left
Point tr(false /*check*/); // top right
Point bl(false /*check*/); // bottom left
Point br(false /*check*/); // bottom right
//Top Left point
tl.setX(center.getX() - (width / 2));
tl.setY(center.getY() + (height / 2));
//Top right point
tr.setX(center.getX() + (width / 2));
tr.setY(center.getY() + (height / 2));
//Bottom left point
bl.setX(center.getX() - (width / 2));
bl.setY(center.getY() - (height / 2));
//Bottom right point
br.setX(center.getX() + (width / 2));
br.setY(center.getY() - (height / 2));
//Rotate all points the given degrees
rotate(tl, center, rotation);
rotate(tr, center, rotation);
rotate(bl, center, rotation);
rotate(br, center, rotation);
//Finally draw the rectangle
glVertex2f(tl.getX(), tl.getY());
glVertex2f(tr.getX(), tr.getY());
glVertex2f(br.getX(), br.getY());
glVertex2f(bl.getX(), bl.getY());
glVertex2f(tl.getX(), tl.getY());
* Draw a circle from a given location (center) of a given size (radius).
* INPUT center Center of the circle
* radius Size of the circle
void drawCircle(const Point & center, int radius)
assert(radius > 1.0);
const double increment = 1.0 / (double)radius;
// begin drawing
// go around the circle
for (double radians = 0; radians < M_PI * 2.0; radians += increment)
glVertex2f(center.getX() + (radius * cos(radians)),
center.getY() + (radius * sin(radians)));
// complete drawing
* Draw a single point on the screen, 2 pixels by 2 pixels
* INPUT point The position of the dow
void drawDot(const Point & point)
// Get ready, get set...
// Go...
glVertex2f(point.getX(), point.getY() );
glVertex2f(point.getX() + 1, point.getY() );
glVertex2f(point.getX() + 1, point.getY() + 1);
glVertex2f(point.getX(), point.getY() + 1);
// Done! OK, that was a bit too dramatic
* DRAW Tough Bird
* Draw a tough bird on the screen
* INPUT point The position of the sacred
* radius The size of the bird
* hits How many its remaining to kill the bird
void drawToughBird(const Point & center, float radius, int hits)
assert(radius > 1.0);
const double increment = M_PI / 6.0;
// begin drawing
// three points: center, pt1, pt2
Point pt1(false /*check*/);
pt1.setX(center.getX() + (radius * cos(0.0)));
pt1.setY(center.getY() + (radius * sin(0.0)));
Point pt2(pt1);
// go around the circle
for (double radians = increment;
radians <= M_PI * 2.0 + .5;
radians += increment)
pt2.setX(center.getX() + (radius * cos(radians)));
pt2.setY(center.getY() + (radius * sin(radians)));
glVertex2f(center.getX(), center.getY());
glVertex2f(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY() );
glVertex2f(pt2.getX(), pt2.getY() );
pt1 = pt2;
// complete drawing
// draw the score in the center
if (hits > 0 && hits < 10)
glColor3f(0.0 /* red % */, 0.0 /* green % */, 0.0 /* blue % */);
glRasterPos2f(center.getX() - 4, center.getY() - 3);
glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13, (char)(hits + '0'));
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // reset to white
* DRAW Sacred Bird
* Draw a sacred bird on the screen
* INPUT point The position of the sacred
* radius The size of the bird
void drawSacredBird(const Point & center, float radius)
// handle auto-rotation
static float rotation = 0.0;
rotation += 5.0;
// begin drawing
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 0.0 /* green % */, 0.0 /* blue % */);
//loop around a circle the given number of times drawing a line from
//one point to the next
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Point temp(false /*check*/);
float radian = (float)i * (M_PI * 2.0) * 0.4;
temp.setX(center.getX() + (radius * cos(radian)));
temp.setY(center.getY() + (radius * sin(radian)));
rotate(temp, center, rotation);
glVertex2f(temp.getX(), temp.getY());
// complete drawing
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // reset to white
void drawSmallAsteroid( const Point & center, int rotation)
// ultra simple point
struct PT
int x;
int y;
} points[] =
{-5, 9}, {4, 8}, {8, 4},
{8, -5}, {-2, -8}, {-2, -3},
{-8, -4}, {-8, 4}, {-5, 10}
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 0.0/* green % */, 1.0/* blue % */);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(points)/sizeof(PT); i++)
Point pt(center.getX() + points[i].x,
center.getY() + points[i].y);
rotate(pt, center, rotation);
glVertex2f(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
void drawMediumAsteroid( const Point & center, int rotation)
// ultra simple point
struct PT
int x;
int y;
} points[] =
{2, 8}, {8, 15}, {12, 8},
{6, 2}, {12, -6}, {2, -15},
{-6, -15}, {-14, -10}, {-15, 0},
{-4, 15}, {2, 8}
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 0.0/* green % */, 1.0/* blue % */);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(points)/sizeof(PT); i++)
Point pt(center.getX() + points[i].x,
center.getY() + points[i].y);
rotate(pt, center, rotation);
glVertex2f(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
void drawLargeAsteroid( const Point & center, int rotation)
// ultra simple point
struct PT
int x;
int y;
} points[] =
{0, 12}, {8, 20}, {16, 14},
{10, 12}, {20, 0}, {0, -20},
{-18, -10}, {-20, -2}, {-20, 14},
{-10, 20}, {0, 12}
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 0.0/* green % */, 0.0/* blue % */);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(points)/sizeof(PT); i++)
Point pt(center.getX() + points[i].x,
center.getY() + points[i].y);
rotate(pt, center, rotation);
glVertex2f(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
* DRAW Ship
* Draw a spaceship on the screen
* INPUT point The position of the ship
* angle Which direction it is ponted
void drawShip(const Point & center, int rotation, bool thrust)
// ultra simple point
struct PT
int x;
int y;
// draw the ship
const PT pointsShip[] =
{ // top r.wing r.engine l.engine l.wing top
{0, 6}, {6, -6}, {2, -3}, {-2, -3}, {-6, -6}, {0, 6}
glColor3f(0.0 /* red % */, 0.0/* green % */, 1.0/* blue % */);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(pointsShip)/sizeof(PT); i++)
Point pt(center.getX() + pointsShip[i].x,
center.getY() + pointsShip[i].y);
rotate(pt, center, rotation);
glVertex2f(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
// draw the flame if necessary
if (thrust)
const PT pointsFlame[3][5] =
{ {-2, -3}, {-2, -13}, { 0, -6}, { 2, -13}, {2, -3} },
{ {-2, -3}, {-4, -9}, {-1, -7}, { 1, -14}, {2, -3} },
{ {-2, -3}, {-1, -14}, { 1, -7}, { 4, -9}, {2, -3} }
glColor3f(1.0 /* red % */, 0.0 /* green % */, 0.0 /* blue % */);
int iFlame = random(0, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Point pt(center.getX() + pointsFlame[iFlame][i].x,
center.getY() + pointsFlame[iFlame][i].y);
rotate(pt, center, rotation);
glVertex2f(pt.getX(), pt.getY());
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // reset to white