#!/bin/bash datestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M) env_file=.env.prod project_name=chessh port=8080 ssh_port=34355 host= container_names=("chessh-redis" "chessh-database" "chessh-server" "chessh-frontend") for name in ${container_names[@]}; do docker stop $name docker rm $name done # Create network for chessh docker network ls | grep -q $project_name || docker network create --driver bridge $project_name # Create redis volume if it does not exist docker volume ls | grep -q $project_name-redisdata || docker volume create $project_name-redisdata # Then start the redis container docker run \ -d \ --restart unless-stopped \ --env-file $env_file \ --network $project_name \ --name $project_name-redis \ --net-alias redis \ --volume $project_name-redisdata:/data/ \ redis # Start postgres container # Firstly create pg volume if it does not exist docker volume ls | grep -q $project_name-pgdata || docker volume create $project_name-pgdata # Then run the pg container docker run \ -d \ --restart unless-stopped \ --env-file $env_file \ --network $project_name \ --name $project_name-database \ --net-alias database \ --volume $project_name-pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ \ postgres # Start backend container # Check if running; if so, stop, and rename docker run \ -d \ --restart unless-stopped \ --env-file $env_file \ --network $project_name \ --name $project_name-server \ --publish "${host}:${ssh_port}:${ssh_port}/tcp" \ --net-alias server \ chessh/server # Start frontend container # Check if running; if so, stop, and rename docker run \ -d \ --restart unless-stopped \ --env-file $env_file \ --network $project_name \ --name $project_name-frontend \ --publish "${host}:${port}:80/tcp" \ --net-alias frontend \ chessh/frontend