import { expect, test } from 'bun:test'; import { TestPrograms } from './programs'; import { peggyParse } from '@/parser'; import { evaluate } from '@/interpreter'; import { testingLogger } from './logger'; test('Add (1 real) and (3 int) => (4 real)', async () => { const ast = peggyParse(await TestPrograms.AddOneThree); const result = await evaluate(ast, testingLogger); expect(result).toEqual({ type: 'real', value: 4 }); }); test('Add (1 real) and (3 int) -> result => (real 1 - result) = -3 done with correct lexical scope', async () => { const ast = peggyParse(await TestPrograms.PrimopScope); const result = await evaluate(ast, testingLogger); expect(result).toEqual({ type: 'real', value: -3 }); }); /* test('String equality', async () => { const ast = peggyParse(await TestPrograms.StringEquality); const result = await evaluate(ast, testingLogger); expect(result).toEqual({ type: 'int', value: 1 }); }); test('String inequality', async () => { const ast = peggyParse(await TestPrograms.StringInEquality); const result = await evaluate(ast, testingLogger); expect(result).toEqual({ type: 'int', value: 0 }); }); */