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2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
#+AUTHOR: Logan Hunt
* CS 5030 Final Project
2021-12-08 20:48:56 -05:00
[[./report/report.pdf][Report]] (you may need to download it to view the links in the document).
2021-12-08 20:46:42 -05:00
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
[[https://youtu.be/N_aUWYNqpeY][A Video Example]]
2022-07-12 00:39:52 -04:00
There are multiple implementations in this project. Each directory contains a Makefile which will build that implementation. For most, a simple ~cd~ and ~make~ will do.
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
2022-07-12 00:39:52 -04:00
Every ~make~ will builds a ~gol~ binary. However, each implementation takes a different number of arguments, as documented below. The Cuda implementation needs to be run in a slightly different fashion.
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
** Compiling binary output to a video
2022-07-12 00:39:52 -04:00
Every implementation produces file I/O exactly the same. When logging is turned on, each iteration in the output directory is labelled ~iteration-XXXXXXX.bin~ where iteration number is padded by 7 to make life easy.
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
2022-07-12 00:39:52 -04:00
There is a script in ~graphics~ that converts a raw binary dump into a .bmp (with some help from [[https://stackoverflow.com/a/47785639/15819675][this Stack Overflow post]]). ~make-movie.sh~ converts a directory of ordered binary dumps to a video file with the arguments that are described in ~make-movie.sh~ (just provide none and a usage string will be ~echo~ed).
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
2022-07-12 00:39:52 -04:00
For instance, to make a movie of the outputs generated in ~cuda-global/output~ where each binary file is a grid of size 1920x1080 (at 8fps to a file named output-1920.mp4):
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
~cd graphics~
(On CHPC you will need to ~module load ffmpeg~)
~./make-movie.sh ../cuda-global/output 1920 1080 8 output-1920~
** Building
*** MPI
2021-12-08 20:46:42 -05:00
Firstly, ~module load gcc mpich~. Then ~cd~ into ~mpi~ and ~make~.
Then, you can run with
~mpirun -np <cores> ./gol simulate <filename | random> <width> <height> <iterations> <log-each-step?1:0>~
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
*** Cuda
Firstly, ~cd~ into ~cuda-global~ and ~make~.
Then start an interactive gpu session on notchpeak:
~salloc -n 1 -N 1 -t 0:10:00 -p notchpeak-shared-short -A notchpeak-shared-short --gres=gpu:k80:1~
This implementation takes these arguments:
2021-12-08 20:46:42 -05:00
~srun ./gol simulate <filename | random> <width> <height> <iterations> <log-each-step?1:0>~
2021-12-04 15:34:49 -05:00
For example to do 1000 iterations at 1920x1080 with a random starting position (the last ~1~ will log each iteration into the ~output~ directory) with a block size of 32:
~srun ./gol simulate random 1920 1080 1000 1 32~
*** OpenMP
Firstly, ~cd~ into ~openmp~ and ~make~.
This implementation takes these arguments:
~./gol simulate <filename | random> <width> <height> <iterations> <log-each-step?1:0> <num_threads>~
For example to do 100 iterations with 8 threads at 800x600 with a random starting position (and log each iteration into the ~output~ directory):
~./gol simulate random 800 600 100 1 8~
*** Serial
The most basic of the three implementations.
Firstly, ~cd~ into ~serial~ and ~make~.
This implementation takes these arguments:
~./gol simulate <filename | random> <width> <height> <iterations> <log-each-step?1:0>~
For example to do 10 iterations with 8 threads at 400x400 with a random starting position (and log to ~output~):
~./gol simulate random 400 400 10 1~
** Creating an initial starting grid
Each ~gol~ binary also has a ~create-grid~ mode, mainly used for debugging:
~./gol create-grid <width> <height> <filename>~
You'll be prompted to enter in grid values (0/1) for each row, each seperated by a space.
For example to make a 10x10 grid and output it to ~output/testing.bin~:
~./gol create-grid 10 10 output/testing.bin~
And then this file can be used in the ~filename~ argument when using ~simulate~.