import { Component, ComponentNames } from "."; import type { Coord2D, Dimension2D } from "../interfaces"; import { dotProduct, rotateVector, normalizeVector } from "../utils"; export class BoundingBox extends Component { public center: Coord2D; public dimension: Dimension2D; public rotation: number; constructor(center: Coord2D, dimension: Dimension2D, rotation?: number) { super(ComponentNames.BoundingBox); = center; this.dimension = dimension; this.rotation = rotation ?? 0; } public isCollidingWith(box: BoundingBox): boolean { const boxes = [this.getVertices(), box.getVertices()]; for (const poly of boxes) { for (let i = 0; i < poly.length; ++i) { const [A, B] = [poly[i], poly[(i + 1) % poly.length]]; const normal: Coord2D = { x: B.y - A.y, y: A.x - B.x }; const [[minThis, maxThis], [minBox, maxBox]] = => box.reduce( ([min, max], vertex) => { const projection = dotProduct(normal, vertex); return [Math.min(min, projection), Math.max(max, projection)]; }, [Infinity, -Infinity] ) ); if (maxThis < minBox || maxBox < minThis) return false; } } return true; } public getVertices(): Coord2D[] { return [ { x: -this.dimension.width / 2, y: -this.dimension.height / 2 }, { x: -this.dimension.width / 2, y: this.dimension.height / 2 }, { x: this.dimension.width / 2, y: this.dimension.height / 2 }, { x: this.dimension.width / 2, y: -this.dimension.height / 2 }, ] .map((vertex) => rotateVector(vertex, this.rotation)) .map((vertex) => { return { x: vertex.x +, y: vertex.y +, }; }); } private getAxes() { const corners: Coord2D[] = this.getVerticesRelativeToCenter(); const axes: Coord2D[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < corners.length; ++i) { const [cornerA, cornerB] = [ corners[i], corners[(i + 1) % corners.length], ].map((corner) => rotateVector(corner, this.rotation)); axes.push( normalizeVector({ x: cornerB.y - cornerA.y, y: -(cornerB.x - cornerA.x), }) ); } return axes; } private project(axis: Coord2D): [number, number] { const corners = this.getCornersRelativeToCenter(); let [min, max] = [Infinity, -Infinity]; for (const corner of corners) { const rotated = rotateVector(corner, this.rotation); const translated = { x: rotated.x +, y: rotated.y +, }; const projection = dotProduct(translated, axis); min = Math.min(projection, min); max = Math.max(projection, max); } return [min, max]; } }