import { SystemNames, System } from "."; import { Mass, BoundingBox, ComponentNames, Jump, Velocity, Moment, } from "../components"; import { Game } from "../Game"; import { PhysicsConstants } from "../config"; import { Entity } from "../entities"; import type { Dimension2D } from "../interfaces"; import { QuadTree } from "../structures"; export class Collision extends System { private static readonly COLLIDABLE_COMPONENT_NAMES = [ ComponentNames.Collide, ComponentNames.TopCollidable, ]; private static readonly QUADTREE_MAX_LEVELS = 10; private static readonly QUADTREE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 10; private quadTree: QuadTree; constructor(screenDimensions: Dimension2D) { super(SystemNames.Collision); this.quadTree = new QuadTree( { x: 0, y: 0 }, screenDimensions, Collision.QUADTREE_MAX_LEVELS, Collision.QUADTREE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD ); } public update(dt: number, game: Game) { // rebuild the quadtree this.quadTree.clear(); const entitiesToAddToQuadtree: Entity[] = []; => game.componentEntities.get(componentName) ).forEach((entityIds?: Set) => entityIds?.forEach((id) => { const entity = game.entities.get(id); if (!entity.hasComponent(ComponentNames.BoundingBox)) { return; } entitiesToAddToQuadtree.push(entity); }) ); entitiesToAddToQuadtree.forEach((entity) => { const boundingBox = entity.getComponent( ComponentNames.BoundingBox ); this.quadTree.insert(, boundingBox.dimension, ); }); // find colliding entities and perform collisions const collidingEntities = this.getCollidingEntities( entitiesToAddToQuadtree, game.entities ); collidingEntities.forEach(([entityAId, entityBId]) => { const [entityA, entityB] = [entityAId, entityBId].map((id) => game.entities.get(id) ); this.performCollision(entityA, entityB); }); } private performCollision(entityA: Entity, entityB: Entity) { const [entityABoundingBox, entityBBoundingBox] = [entityA, entityB].map( (entity) => entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.BoundingBox) ); let velocity: Velocity; if (entityA.hasComponent(ComponentNames.Velocity)) { velocity = entityA.getComponent(ComponentNames.Velocity); } if ( entityA.hasComponent(ComponentNames.Collide) && entityB.hasComponent(ComponentNames.TopCollidable) && <= && velocity && velocity.dCartesian.dy >= 0 // don't apply "floor" logic when coming through the bottom ) { if (entityBBoundingBox.rotation != 0) { throw new Error( `entity with id ${} has TopCollidable component and a non-zero rotation. that is not (yet) supported.` ); } // remove previous velocity in the y axis velocity.dCartesian.dy = 0; // apply normal force if (entityA.hasComponent(ComponentNames.Gravity)) { const mass = entityA.getComponent(ComponentNames.Mass).mass; const F_n = -mass * PhysicsConstants.GRAVITY; entityA.getComponent(ComponentNames.Forces).forces.push({ fCartesian: { fy: F_n }, }); } // reset the entities' jump if (entityA.hasComponent(ComponentNames.Jump)) { entityA.getComponent(ComponentNames.Jump).canJump = true; } = - entityBBoundingBox.dimension.height / 2 - this.getDyToPushOutOfFloor(entityABoundingBox, entityBBoundingBox); } } private getCollidingEntities( collidableEntities: Entity[], entityMap: Map ): [number, number][] { const collidingEntityIds: [number, number] = []; for (const entity of collidableEntities) { const boundingBox = entity.getComponent( ComponentNames.BoundingBox ); this.quadTree .getNeighborIds({ id:, dimension: boundingBox.dimension, center:, }) .filter((neighborId) => neighborId != .forEach((neighborId) => { const neighborBoundingBox = entityMap .get(neighborId) .getComponent(ComponentNames.BoundingBox); if (boundingBox.isCollidingWith(neighborBoundingBox)) { collidingEntityIds.push([, neighborId]); } }); } return collidingEntityIds; } // ramblings:,KaGe-5iHJu1Si8inEo4GLQ private getDyToPushOutOfFloor( entityBoundingBox: BoundingBox, floorBoundingBox: BoundingBox ): number { const { rotation, center: { x, y }, dimension: { width, height }, } = entityBoundingBox; let rads = rotation * (Math.PI / 180); if (rads >= Math.PI) { rads -= Math.PI; // we have symmetry so we can skip two cases } let boundedCollisionX = 0; // bounded x on the surface from width let clippedX = 0; // x coordinate of the vertex below the surface let outScribedRectangleHeight, dy, dx; if (rads <= Math.PI / 2) { dx = (width * Math.cos(rads) - height * Math.sin(rads)) / 2; outScribedRectangleHeight = width * Math.sin(rads) + height * Math.cos(rads); } else if (rads <= Math.PI) { rads -= Math.PI / 2; dx = (height * Math.cos(rads) - width * Math.sin(rads)) / 2; outScribedRectangleHeight = width * Math.cos(rads) + height * Math.sin(rads); } if (x >= { clippedX = x + dx; boundedCollisionX = Math.min( + floorBoundingBox.dimension.width / 2, clippedX ); return ( outScribedRectangleHeight / 2 - Math.max((clippedX - boundedCollisionX) * Math.tan(rads), 0) ); } clippedX = x - dx; boundedCollisionX = Math.max( - floorBoundingBox.dimension.width / 2, clippedX ); return ( outScribedRectangleHeight / 2 - Math.max((boundedCollisionX - clippedX) * Math.tan(rads), 0) ); } }