import { System, SystemNames } from '.'; import { Game } from '../Game'; import { ComponentNames, NetworkUpdateable } from '../components'; import { type MessageQueueProvider, type MessagePublisher, type MessageProcessor, MessageType, EntityUpdateBody } from '../network'; import { stringify } from '../utils'; type EntityUpdateInfo = { timer: number; hash: string }; export class NetworkUpdate extends System { private queueProvider: MessageQueueProvider; private publisher: MessagePublisher; private messageProcessor: MessageProcessor; private entityUpdateInfo: Map; private nextPublishInterval: number; constructor( queueProvider: MessageQueueProvider, publisher: MessagePublisher, messageProcessor: MessageProcessor ) { super(SystemNames.NetworkUpdate); this.queueProvider = queueProvider; this.publisher = publisher; this.messageProcessor = messageProcessor; this.entityUpdateInfo = new Map(); this.nextPublishInterval = this.getNextUpdateInterval(); } public update(dt: number, game: Game) { // 0. remove unnecessary info for removed entities const networkUpdateableEntities = game.componentEntities.get( ComponentNames.NetworkUpdateable ); for (const entityId of this.entityUpdateInfo.keys()) { if (!networkUpdateableEntities?.has(entityId)) { this.entityUpdateInfo.delete(entityId); } } // 1. process new messages this.queueProvider .getNewMessages() .forEach((message) => this.messageProcessor.process(message)); this.queueProvider.clearMessages(); // 2. send entity updates const updateMessages: EntityUpdateBody[] = []; game.forEachEntityWithComponent( ComponentNames.NetworkUpdateable, (entity) => { const networkUpdateableComponent = entity.getComponent( ComponentNames.NetworkUpdateable ); const nextUpdateTime = networkUpdateableComponent.getNextUpdateTime(); const newHash = stringify(entity.serialize()); let updateInfo: EntityUpdateInfo = this.entityUpdateInfo.get( ) ?? { timer: nextUpdateTime, hash: newHash }; // update timer updateInfo.timer -= dt; this.entityUpdateInfo.set(, updateInfo); if (updateInfo.timer > 0) return; updateInfo.timer = nextUpdateTime; this.entityUpdateInfo.set(, updateInfo); // maybe update, if hash is not consistent if (updateInfo.hash == newHash) return; updateInfo.hash = newHash; this.entityUpdateInfo.set(, updateInfo); updateMessages.push({ id:, args: entity.serialize() }); } ); if (updateMessages.length) this.publisher.addMessage({ type: MessageType.UPDATE_ENTITIES, body: updateMessages }); // 3. maybe publish changes - we don't want to overload the socket this.nextPublishInterval -= dt; if (this.nextPublishInterval < 0) { this.publisher.publish(); this.nextPublishInterval = this.getNextUpdateInterval(); } } private getNextUpdateInterval() { return Math.random() * 30 + 20; } }