import type { Coord2D, Dimension2D } from "../interfaces"; import type { BoxedEntry, RefreshingCollisionFinderBehavior } from "."; enum Quadrant { I, II, III, IV, } /* unused due to performance problems. here anyways, in case it _really_ is necessary at some point (and to justify the amount of time i spent here). */ export class QuadTree implements RefreshingCollisionFinderBehavior { private static readonly QUADTREE_MAX_LEVELS = 3; private static readonly QUADTREE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 2000; private maxLevels: number; private splitThreshold: number; private level: number; private topLeft: Coord2D; private dimension: Dimension2D; private children: Map; private objects: BoxedEntry[]; constructor( topLeft: Coord2D = { x: 0, y: 0 }, dimension: Dimension2D, maxLevels: number = QuadTree.QUADTREE_MAX_LEVELS, splitThreshold: number = QuadTree.QUADTREE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD, level: number = 0 ) { this.children = new Map(); this.objects = []; this.maxLevels = maxLevels; this.splitThreshold = splitThreshold; this.level = level; this.topLeft = topLeft; this.dimension = dimension; } public insert(boxedEntry: BoxedEntry): void { if (this.hasChildren()) { this.getQuadrants(boxedEntry).forEach((quadrant) => { const quadrantBox = this.children.get(quadrant); quadrantBox!.insert(boxedEntry); }); return; } this.objects.push(boxedEntry); if ( this.objects.length > this.splitThreshold && this.level < this.maxLevels ) { if (!this.hasChildren()) { this.performSplit(); } this.realignObjects(); } } public clear(): void { this.objects = []; if (this.hasChildren()) { this.children.forEach((child) => child.clear()); this.children.clear(); } } public getNeighborIds(boxedEntry: BoxedEntry): Set { const neighbors = new Set({ id }) => id).filter((id) => id != ); if (this.hasChildren()) { this.getQuadrants(boxedEntry).forEach((quadrant) => { const quadrantBox = this.children.get(quadrant); quadrantBox ?.getNeighborIds(boxedEntry) .forEach((id) => neighbors.add(id)); }); } return neighbors; } private performSplit(): void { const halfWidth = this.dimension.width / 2; const halfHeight = this.dimension.height / 2; ( [ [Quadrant.I, { x: this.topLeft.x + halfWidth, y: this.topLeft.y }], [Quadrant.II, { ...this.topLeft }], [Quadrant.III, { x: this.topLeft.x, y: this.topLeft.y + halfHeight }], [ Quadrant.IV, { x: this.topLeft.x + halfWidth, y: this.topLeft.y + halfHeight }, ], ] as [Quadrant, Coord2D][] ).forEach(([quadrant, pos]) => { this.children.set( quadrant, new QuadTree( pos, { width: halfWidth, height: halfHeight }, this.maxLevels, this.splitThreshold, this.level + 1 ) ); }); } private getQuadrants(boxedEntry: BoxedEntry): Quadrant[] { const treeCenter: Coord2D = { x: this.topLeft.x + this.dimension.width / 2, y: this.topLeft.y + this.dimension.height / 2, }; return ( [ [ Quadrant.I, (x: number, y: number) => x >= treeCenter.x && y < treeCenter.y, ], [ Quadrant.II, (x: number, y: number) => x < treeCenter.x && y < treeCenter.y, ], [ Quadrant.III, (x: number, y: number) => x < treeCenter.x && y >= treeCenter.y, ], [ Quadrant.IV, (x: number, y: number) => x >= treeCenter.x && y >= treeCenter.y, ], ] as [Quadrant, (x: number, y: number) => boolean][] ) .filter( ([_quadrant, condition]) => condition( + boxedEntry.dimension.width / 2, + boxedEntry.dimension.height / 2 ) || condition( - boxedEntry.dimension.width / 2, - boxedEntry.dimension.height / 2 ) ) .map(([quadrant]) => quadrant); } private realignObjects(): void { this.objects.forEach((boxedEntry) => { this.getQuadrants(boxedEntry).forEach((quadrant) => { const quadrantBox = this.children.get(quadrant); quadrantBox!.insert(boxedEntry); }); }); this.objects = []; } private hasChildren() { return this.children && this.children.size > 0; } public setTopLeft(topLeft: Coord2D) { this.topLeft = topLeft; } public setDimension(dimension: Dimension2D) { this.dimension = dimension; } }