import { System, SystemNames } from "."; import { Acceleration, BoundingBox, ComponentNames, Forces, Gravity, Velocity, Mass, Jump, } from "../components"; import { PhysicsConstants } from "../config"; import type { Entity } from "../entities"; import type { Force2D } from "../interfaces"; import { Game } from "../Game"; export class Physics extends System { constructor() { super(SystemNames.Physics); } public update(dt: number, game: Game): void { game.componentEntities.get(ComponentNames.Forces)?.forEach((entityId) => { const entity = game.entities.get(entityId); const mass = entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.Mass).mass; const forces = entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.Forces).forces; const velocity = entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.Velocity); const inertia = entity.getComponent( ComponentNames.Moment ).inertia; // F_g = mg, applied only until terminal velocity is reached if (entity.hasComponent(ComponentNames.Gravity)) { const gravity = entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.Gravity); if (velocity.dCartesian.dy <= gravity.terminalVelocity) { forces.push({ fCartesian: { fy: mass * PhysicsConstants.GRAVITY, }, }); } } // ma = Σ(F), Iα = Σ(T) const sumOfForces = forces.reduce( (accum: Force2D, { fCartesian, torque }: Force2D) => ({ fCartesian: { fx: accum.fCartesian.fx + (fCartesian?.fx ?? 0), fy: accum.fCartesian.fy + (fCartesian?.fy ?? 0), }, torque: accum.torque + (torque ?? 0), }), { fCartesian: { fx: 0, fy: 0 }, torque: 0 } ); // integrate accelerations const [ddy, ddx] = [ sumOfForces.fCartesian.fy, sumOfForces.fCartesian.fx, ].map((x) => x / mass); velocity.dCartesian.dx += ddx * dt; velocity.dCartesian.dy += ddy * dt; velocity.dTheta += (sumOfForces.torque * dt) / inertia; // clear the forces entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.Forces).forces = []; // maybe we fell off the floor if (ddy > 0 && entity.hasComponent(ComponentNames.Jump)) { entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.Jump).canJump = false; } }); game.componentEntities.get(ComponentNames.Velocity)?.forEach((entityId) => { const entity = game.entities.get(entityId); const velocity = entity.getComponent(ComponentNames.Velocity); const boundingBox = entity.getComponent( ComponentNames.BoundingBox ); // integrate velocity += velocity.dCartesian.dx * dt; += velocity.dCartesian.dy * dt; boundingBox.rotation += velocity.dTheta * dt; boundingBox.rotation = (boundingBox.rotation < 0 ? 360 + boundingBox.rotation : boundingBox.rotation) % 360; }); } }