2023-11-06 08:52:40 -07:00
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2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
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\notindent \notag \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1in,portrait]{geometry}
\author{Elizabeth Hunt}
\title{Homework 5}
pdfauthor={Elizabeth Hunt},
pdftitle={Homework 5},
pdfcreator={Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.7-pre)},
\section{Question One}
2023-11-06 08:52:40 -07:00
2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
See LIZFCM \(\rightarrow\) Matrix Routines \(\rightarrow\) \texttt{lu decomp} \& \texttt{bsubst}.
The test \texttt{UTEST(matrix, lu\_decomp)} is a unit test for the \texttt{lu\_decomp} routine,
and \texttt{UTEST(matrix, bsubst)} verifies back substitution on an upper triangular
3 \texttimes{} 3 matrix with a known solution that can be verified manually.
Both can be found in \texttt{tests/matrix.t.c}.
\section{Question Two}
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2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
Unless the following are met, the resulting solution will be garbage.
\item The matrix \(U\) must be not be singular.
\item \(U\) must be square (or it will fail the \texttt{assert}).
\item The system created by \(Ux = b\) must be consistent.
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\item \(U\) is (quite obviously) in upper-triangular form.
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Thus, the actual calculation performing the \(LU\) decomposition
(in \texttt{lu\_decomp}) does a sanity
check for 1-3 will fail an assert, should a point along the diagonal (pivot) be
zero, or the matrix be non-factorable.
\section{Question Three}
2023-11-06 08:52:40 -07:00
2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
See LIZFCM \(\rightarrow\) Matrix Routines \(\rightarrow\) \texttt{fsubst}.
\texttt{UTEST(matrix, fsubst)} verifies forward substitution on a lower triangular 3 \texttimes{} 3
matrix with a known solution that can be verified manually.
\section{Question Four}
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2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
See LIZFCM \(\rightarrow\) Matrix Routines \(\rightarrow\) \texttt{gaussian\_elimination} and \texttt{solve\_gaussian\_elimination}.
\section{Question Five}
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2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
See LIZFCM \(\rightarrow\) Matrix Routines \(\rightarrow\) \texttt{m\_dot\_v}, and the \texttt{UTEST(matrix, m\_dot\_v)} in
\section{Question Six}
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2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
See \texttt{UTEST(matrix, solve\_gaussian\_elimination)} in \texttt{tests/matrix.t.c}, which generates a diagonally dominant 10 \texttimes{} 10 matrix
and shows that the solution is consistent with the initial matrix, according to the steps given. Then,
we do a dot product between each row of the diagonally dominant matrix and the solution vector to ensure
it is near equivalent to the input vector.
\section{Question Seven}
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2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
See \texttt{UTEST(matrix, solve\_matrix\_lu\_bsubst)} which does the same test in Question Six with the solution according to
\texttt{solve\_matrix\_lu\_bsubst} as shown in the Software Manual.
\section{Question Eight}
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2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
No, since the time complexity for Gaussian Elimination is always less than that of the LU factorization solution by \(O(n^2)\) operations
(in LU factorization we perform both backwards and forwards substitutions proceeding the LU decomp, in Gaussian Elimination we only need
back substitution).
\section{Question Nine, Ten}
2023-11-06 08:52:40 -07:00
2023-10-30 19:07:43 -06:00
See LIZFCM Software manual and shared library in \texttt{dist} after compiling.