#+TITLE: Homework 4 #+AUTHOR: Elizabeth Hunt #+LATEX_HEADER: \notindent \notag \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1in,portrait]{geometry} #+LATEX: \setlength\parindent{0pt} #+OPTIONS: toc:nil * Question 1 See the attached LIZFCM Software Manual. * Question 2, 3, 4 #+attr_latex: :width 350px [[./img/make_run.png]] * Question 5 #+attr_latex: :width 350px [[./img/test_routine_1.png]] #+attr_latex: :width 350px [[./img/test_routine_2.png]] * Question 6 See the LIZFCM Software Manual. * Question 7 See ~src/matrix.c -> lu_decomp, fsubst, bsubst, solve_matrix~ * Question 8 See ~test/main.c -> lines 109 - 113~ in correspondence to the run in Question 5 * Question 9 See ~test/main.c -> lines 118 - 121~ in correspondence to the run in Question 5 * Question 10 See the TOC on the first page of the LIZFCM Software Manual.