import { createContext } from "react"; import wmocodes from "./wmocodes.json"; interface Weather { temperature: number; description: string; image: string; } interface WhoisUpdate { name: string; time: number; } export type Data = { weather?: Weather; whois?: WhoisUpdate[]; }; export const DataContext = createContext({}); export const fetchWeather = async (): Promise => { const [latitude, longitude] = await new Promise<[number, number]>((res) => navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => { res([position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude]); }) ); const params = new URLSearchParams({ latitude: latitude.toString(), longitude: longitude.toString(), current: ["temperature_2m", "weather_code", "is_day"].join(","), }).toString(); const url = `${params}`; return fetch(url) .then((r) => r.json()) .then(({ current: { temperature_2m: temp, is_day, weather_code } }) => ({ temp, wmo: wmocodes[weather_code as keyof typeof wmocodes][ is_day ? "day" : "night" ], })) .then(({ wmo, temp }) => ({ temperature: temp as number, description: wmo.description, image: wmo.image, })); }; export const fetchWhois = async (): Promise => fetch("") .then((response) => response.json()) .then( (data) => data .map((data: WhoisUpdate) => ({, time: new Date(data.time).getTime(), })) .sort((a: WhoisUpdate, b: WhoisUpdate) => a.time - b.time) // time should go positive from left to right .filter((x: WhoisUpdate, i: number, arr: WhoisUpdate[]) => i > 0 ? !== arr[i - 1].name : true ) // dedupe updates with the same name );