
This commit is contained in:
Elizabeth Hunt 2024-04-26 13:26:15 -07:00
commit af68e1d499
Signed by: simponic
GPG Key ID: 2909B9A7FF6213EE
27 changed files with 302 additions and 0 deletions

.DS_Store vendored Normal file

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img/.DS_Store vendored Normal file

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img/mkwsnyder.jpeg Normal file

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img/rains/arch.png Normal file

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img/rains/bmo.png Normal file

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img/rains/cat.gif Normal file

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img/rains/dnd.png Normal file

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img/rains/eattherich.png Normal file

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img/rains/gloomhaven.png Normal file

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img/rains/link.png Normal file

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img/rains/meddle.jpeg Normal file

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img/rains/moon.png Normal file

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img/rains/note.png Normal file

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img/rains/obsidian.png Normal file

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img/rains/outerwilds.png Normal file

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img/rains/piano.png Normal file

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img/rains/pirate.svg Normal file
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374 -15 212 21 329 20 521 -5 188 -24 283 -21 351 12 56 27 126 94 226 219 94
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752 75 221 226 527 347 705 41 60 108 117 138 117 23 0 32 -13 59 -82 43 -109
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45 83 265 -28 492 -91 185 -191 315 -256 331 -14 4 -49 4 -77 2 -134 -13 -130
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img/rains/ror.png Normal file

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img/rains/smashball.svg Normal file
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img/rains/svelte.png Normal file

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img/rains/usu.png Normal file

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index.html Normal file
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scripts/script.js Normal file
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const randBetween = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
const update = (droplets, dt, boundedY) =>
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pos: { ...droplet.pos, y: droplet.pos.y + droplet.vel.dy * dt },
theta: droplet.theta + droplet.vel.dtheta * dt,
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randBetween(-50, window.innerHeight / 8),
window.onload = () => {
// cache 'em
IMGS.forEach((x) => {
((img) => (img.src = x))(new Image());
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styles/styles.css Normal file
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