const MESSAGES = { COMPILE: "COMPILE", COMPILE_RESULT: "COMPILE_RESULT", EVAL: "EVAL", EVAL_STATUS: "EVAL_RESULT", }; // -- the "real" code -- const state = new Observable(); const prepareSource = (text) => text.replaceAll(/\/\/.*/g, "").trim(); const main = () => { let program; state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.COMPILE) { const { value } = msg; const source = prepareSource(value); try { const ast = parser.parse(source); const { js, godelSequence } = compile(ast); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.COMPILE_RESULT, success: true, js, godelSequence, }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.COMPILE_RESULT, error: e.toString(), }); } } if (msg.type == MESSAGES.EVAL) { const source = compiledEditorEl.getValue(); try { const result = eval(source); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.EVAL_RESULT, success: true, value: result, }); } catch (e) { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.EVAL_RESULT, error: e.toString(), }); } } }); }; main(); // -- a bit of some hacky ui code -- const codeMirrorConfig = { lineNumbers: true, }; const instructionsEl = document.getElementById("instructions"); const instructionsEditorEl = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( instructionsEl, codeMirrorConfig ); const compileButton = document.getElementById("compile"); const evalButton = document.getElementById("eval"); const evalStatusEl = document.getElementById("eval_status"); const compileStatusEl = document.getElementById("compile_status"); const compiledEl = document.getElementById("compiled"); const compiledEditorEl = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(compiledEl, codeMirrorConfig); const godelSequenceEl = document.getElementById("godel_sequence"); const godelNumberEl = document.getElementById("godel_number"); const godelNumberComputeBtn = document.getElementById("godel_number_comp"); const copyStateButton = document.getElementById("copy"); // hackily copy the program state and put it in the clipboard copyStateButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const instructions = btoa(instructionsEditorEl.getValue()); navigator.clipboard .writeText( window.location.href.split("?")[0] + `?instructions=${instructions}` ) .then(() => alert("copied to clipboard")); }); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.COMPILE_RESULT) { evalStatusEl.classList.remove("error"); evalStatusEl.classList.remove("success"); evalStatusEl.innerHTML = ""; if (msg.success) { const { js, godelSequence } = msg; compiledEditorEl.setValue(js); godelSequenceEl.innerHTML = `[${godelSequence.join(", ")}]`; = "inline"; compileStatusEl.classList.add("success"); compileStatusEl.classList.remove("error"); compileStatusEl.innerHTML = `Successful compile at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}!`; } else if (msg.error) { compiledEditorEl.setValue(""); godelSequenceEl.innerHTML = ""; godelNumberEl.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; compileStatusEl.classList.remove("success"); compileStatusEl.classList.add("error"); compileStatusEl.innerHTML = msg.error; } } }); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.COMPILE_RESULT) { if (msg.success) { const { godelSequence } = msg; godelNumberComputeBtn.onclick = () => { godelNumberEl.innerHTML = "working..."; const worker = new Worker("js/godelWorker.js"); worker.addEventListener("message", (e) => { const godelNumber =; godelNumberEl.innerHTML = godelNumber.toString(); }); worker.postMessage(godelSequence); }; } else if (msg.error) { godelNumberComputeBtn.onclick = () => {}; } } }); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.EVAL_RESULT) { if (msg.success) { evalStatusEl.classList.add("success"); evalStatusEl.classList.remove("error"); evalStatusEl.innerHTML = `Result: ${msg.value}`; } else if (msg.error) { evalStatusEl.classList.remove("success"); evalStatusEl.classList.add("error"); evalStatusEl.innerHTML = msg.error; } } }); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; if (urlParams.get("instructions")) { instructionsEditorEl.setValue(atob(urlParams.get("instructions"))); } compileButton.addEventListener("click", () => { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.COMPILE, value: instructionsEditorEl.getValue(), }); }); evalButton.addEventListener("click", () => { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.EVAL, }); });