const TAPE_LEN = 150; const BLANK_VAL = "B"; const SIMULATION_INTERVAL = 200; const MESSAGES = { SET_CELL: "SET_CELL", PAUSE: "PAUSE", SIMULATE: "SIMULATE", SET_READER: "SET_READER", NEXT_STEP: "NEXT_STEP", COMPILE: "COMPILE", COMPILE_STATUS: "COMPILE_STATUS", NEW_TURING_STATE: "NEW_TURING_STATE", }; // -- the "real" code const state = new Observable(); const inputCellId = (cellId) => `${cellId}-input`; const cell = (cellId, initValue = "B") => { const cellDiv = document.createElement("div"); cellDiv.classList.add("cell"); = cellId; const readingHead = document.createElement("div"); readingHead.classList.add("circle"); const input = document.createElement("input"); const inputId = inputCellId(cellId); input.classList.add("cell-input"); = inputId; input.value = initValue; input.addEventListener("focusin", () => state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.PAUSE }) ); input.addEventListener("focusout", () => state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.SET_CELL, cell: cellId, value: input.value }) ); const msgListener = (msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.SET_CELL && msg.cell == cellId) { input.value = msg.value; } if (msg.type == MESSAGES.SET_READER) { if (msg.cell == cellId) { cellDiv.classList.add("reading"); cellDiv.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", }); } else cellDiv.classList.remove("reading"); } if (msg.type == MESSAGES.COMPILE) { state.unsubscribe(msgListener); } }; state.subscribe(msgListener); cellDiv.appendChild(input); cellDiv.appendChild(readingHead); return cellDiv; }; const parseRules = (rules, beginState) => { const quadruples = rules.split("\n"); const instructions = []; quadruples.forEach((quadruple, line) => { const commentLess = quadruple.replaceAll(/\/\/.*/g, "").trim(); if (!commentLess) { return; } const items = commentLess .split(" ") .map((x) => x.trim()) .filter((x) => x); if (items.length != 4) { throw new Error(`Invalid instruction on line ${line + 1}`); } instructions.push(items); }); if (!instructions.some(([fromState]) => fromState == beginState)) { throw new Error( `At least one instruction must begin from state: ${beginState}` ); } return instructions; }; // -- a bit of some hacky ui code -- const tapeEl = document.getElementById("tape"); const compileButton = document.getElementById("compile"); const resetButton = document.getElementById("reset"); const controlsEl = document.getElementById("controls"); const nextStepButton = document.getElementById("next_step"); const togglePlayButton = document.getElementById("toggle_play"); const compileStatusEl = document.getElementById("compile_status"); const turingMachineStateEl = document.getElementById("turing_state"); const copyStateButton = document.getElementById("copy_state"); // init instructions from params const instructionsEl = document.getElementById("instructions"); const editorEl = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(instructionsEl, { lineNumbers: true, }); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; if (urlParams.get("instructions")) { editorEl.setValue(atob(urlParams.get("instructions"))); } [compileButton, resetButton].forEach((button) => button.addEventListener("click", () => { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.PAUSE }); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.COMPILE, value: editorEl.getValue() }); }) ); nextStepButton.addEventListener("click", () => { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.PAUSE }); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.NEXT_STEP }); }); // hackily copy the program state and put it in the clipboard copyStateButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const start = Array(TAPE_LEN) .fill(BLANK_VAL) .map((blank, i) => document.getElementById(inputCellId(i))?.value ?? blank) .join("") .replaceAll(new RegExp(`(${BLANK_VAL})*\$`, "g"), ""); const instructions = btoa(editorEl.getValue()); navigator.clipboard .writeText( window.location.href.split("?")[0] + `?start=${start}&instructions=${instructions}` ) .then(() => alert("copied to clipboard")); }); // simulate / pause button let playButton_simulationStatus = "paused"; togglePlayButton.addEventListener("click", function () { if (playButton_simulationStatus == "paused") { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.SIMULATE }); } else if (playButton_simulationStatus == "simulate") { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.PAUSE }); } }); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.PAUSE) { togglePlayButton.innerHTML = "🔁 Begin"; playButton_simulationStatus = "paused"; } if (msg.type == MESSAGES.SIMULATE) { togglePlayButton.innerHTML = "⏸️ Pause"; playButton_simulationStatus = "simulate"; } }); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.COMPILE_STATUS) { const { error, success } = msg; if (error) { compileStatusEl.classList.remove("success"); compileStatusEl.classList.add("error"); compileStatusEl.innerHTML = error; } if (success) { compileStatusEl.classList.add("success"); compileStatusEl.classList.remove("error"); compileStatusEl.innerHTML = `Successful compile at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}!`; } } }); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.COMPILE_STATUS) { const { error, success } = msg; if (error) { = "none"; } else if (success) { = "flex"; } } }); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.NEW_TURING_STATE) { turingMachineStateEl.innerHTML = msg.value; } }); // - const main = () => { let turingMachine; const startString = urlParams.get("start"); state.subscribe((msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.SET_CELL) { const { value, cell } = msg; if (turingMachine) turingMachine.setTapeAtCell(cell, value); } if (msg.type == MESSAGES.COMPILE) { const { value } = msg; try { const beginState = "q0"; const acceptState = "f"; const tape = Array(TAPE_LEN) .fill(BLANK_VAL) .map((x, i) => startString && i < startString.length ? startString[i] : x ); // put the cells into the tape const cells =, cellId) => cell(cellId, tape[cellId])); tapeEl.innerHTML = ""; for (const cell of cells) { tapeEl.appendChild(cell); } const rules = parseRules(value, beginState, acceptState); turingMachine = new TuringMachine(tape, rules, beginState, acceptState); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.SET_READER, cell: 0 }); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.NEW_TURING_STATE, value: turingMachine.getStateStatus(), }); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.COMPILE_STATUS, success: true }); } catch (e) { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.COMPILE_STATUS, error: e.toString() }); } } if (msg.type == MESSAGES.SIMULATE) { const interval = setInterval(() => { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.NEXT_STEP }); }, SIMULATION_INTERVAL); const subscriptionFn = (msg) => { if (msg.type == MESSAGES.PAUSE) { clearInterval(interval); state.unsubscribe(subscriptionFn); } }; state.subscribe(subscriptionFn); } if (msg.type == MESSAGES.NEXT_STEP && turingMachine) { const step = turingMachine.step(); const status = turingMachine.getStateStatus(); const cell = turingMachine.getHead(); if (!step) { const accepting = turingMachine.isAccepting(); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.NEW_TURING_STATE, value: accepting ? `Accept(${status})` : `Fail(${status})`, }); } else { state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.NEW_TURING_STATE, value: status, }); } state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.SET_READER, cell, }); state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.SET_CELL, cell, value: turingMachine.getTapeAtCell(cell), }); if (!step) state.notify({ type: MESSAGES.PAUSE, }); } }); }; main();