const DEFAULTS = { max_rows: 80, max_cols: 80, min_gap: 30, angle_multiplier: 10e-4, }; const CANVAS = document.getElementById("canvas"); let state = { grid_padding: 30, gap: DEFAULTS.min_gap, canvas: CANVAS, ctx: CANVAS.getContext("2d"), last_render: 0, keys: {}, changes: {}, }; // Rendering = function (x, y, r, color) { this.beginPath(); this.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2); this.fillStyle = color; this.fill(); this.closePath(); }; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.line = function ( { x_pos: x1, y_pos: y1 }, { x_pos: x2, y_pos: y2 }, width, color, cap = "round" ) { this.lineWidth = width; this.strokeStyle = color; this.lineCap = cap; this.beginPath(); this.moveTo(x1, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y2); this.stroke(); this.closePath(); }; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.draw_cartesian_path = function ( grid_spec, cartesian_path, width = 2, color = "#fff" ) { const path = => grid_to_canvas(coord, grid_spec)); path.slice(1).forEach((coord, i) => { this.line(path[i], coord, width, color); }); }; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.do_grid = function ( rows, cols, draw_at_grid_pos = (ctx, x, y) =>, y, 10, "#44ff44") ) { for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < cols; x++) { draw_at_grid_pos(this, x, y); } } }; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.cartesian_grid = function ( rows, cols, grid_spec, circle_spec_at_coords = (_x, _y) => ({ radius: 5, color: "#000" }) ) { this.do_grid(rows, cols, (ctx, x, y) => { const { x_pos, y_pos } = grid_to_canvas({ x, y }, grid_spec); const { radius, color } = circle_spec_at_coords(x, y);, y_pos, radius, color); }); }; // Utilities const move = (prev, curr, c) => cx.add(prev, cx.mult(c, cx.sub(curr, prev))); const rand_between = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; const rand_target = (rows, cols) => { const r = Math.floor((rows - 1) / 2); const c = Math.floor((cols - 1) / 2); const res = new cx(rand_between(-c, c), rand_between(-r, r)); if (!sol(res)) return rand_target(rows, cols); return res; }; const calculate_grid_spec = ({ rows, cols, width, height, grid_padding }) => { const dx = (width - 2 * grid_padding) / cols; const dy = (height - 2 * grid_padding) / rows; return { dx, dy, start_x: grid_padding + dx / 2, start_y: grid_padding + dy / 2, }; }; const grid_to_canvas = ({ x, y }, { dx, dy, start_x, start_y }) => ({ x_pos: x * dx + start_x, y_pos: y * dy + start_y, }); const complex_to_grid = (c, rows, cols) => { const { re, im } = c; return { x: re + Math.floor(cols / 2), y: Math.floor(rows / 2) - im, }; }; // Game loop const maybe_add_state_angle_move = ({ angle } = state) => { if ( <= -1 || >= 1) { = <= -1 ? -1 : 1; state.path.push(move(,, angle)); state.angle = new cx(0, 0); } return state; }; const handle_input = (state, dt) => { if (state.keys.ArrowLeft) { += DEFAULTS.angle_multiplier * dt; } else if (state.keys.ArrowRight) { -= DEFAULTS.angle_multiplier * dt; } state = maybe_add_state_angle_move(state); }; const render = ({ width, height, ctx, rows, cols, target, gap } = state) => { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); const grid_spec = calculate_grid_spec(state); const curr =; const prev =; const v_diff = cx.sub(curr, prev); const theta = ( * Math.PI) / 2; const angle_re = Math.cos(theta) * - Math.sin(theta) *; const angle_im = Math.sin(theta) * + Math.cos(theta) *; ctx.draw_cartesian_path(grid_spec, [ => complex_to_grid(c, rows, cols)), complex_to_grid(cx.add(new cx(angle_re, angle_im), prev), rows, cols), ]); if (!( == && == 0)) { // Draw path to next player's target const [a, b] = [ curr, move(prev, curr, new cx(0, < 0 ? -1 : 1)), ].map((c) => grid_to_canvas(complex_to_grid(c, rows, cols), grid_spec)); ctx.line(a, b, 6, "rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.3)"); } const grid_target = complex_to_grid(target, rows, cols); ctx.cartesian_grid(rows, cols, grid_spec, (x, y) => { if (x == Math.floor(cols / 2) && y == Math.floor(rows / 2)) { return { radius: 7, color: "#2f9c94", }; } else if (x == grid_target.x && y == grid_target.y) { return { radius: 8, color: "#fff", }; } else { return { radius: 3, color: `rgb(${255 * (x / cols)}, 100, 100)`, // todo: animate with last_render }; } }); // Render gap value in slider document.getElementById("gap").value = gap; }; const loop = (now) => { const dt = now - state.last_render; state.changes.last_render = now; if (Object.keys(state.changes).length > 0) { state = { ...state, ...state.changes }; if (state.changes.width || state.changes.height || { state.rows = Math.floor(state.height /; state.cols = Math.floor(state.width /; } state.changes = {}; } if (! = rand_target(state.rows, state.cols); if (!state.solution) { handle_input(state, dt); } else { if (!state?.solution.length) { delete state.solution; } else { += (state.solution[0] === "-" ? 1 : -1) * DEFAULTS.angle_multiplier * dt; state = maybe_add_state_angle_move(state); if (cx.eq(state.angle, new cx(0, 0))) state.solution.shift(); } } render(state); requestAnimationFrame(loop); }; const reset_state = ({ rows, cols } = state) => ({ ...state, solution: null, path: [new cx(0, 0), new cx(1, 0)], angle: new cx(0, 0), }); // DOM const directions_modal = new Modal({ el: document.getElementById("directions-modal"), }); const on_resize = () => { CANVAS.width = document.body.clientWidth; CANVAS.height = document.body.clientHeight; state.changes.width = CANVAS.width; state.changes.height = CANVAS.height; }; const on_keyup = (e) => { delete state.keys[e.key]; }; const on_keydown = (e) => { state.keys[e.key] = true; }; window.addEventListener("resize", on_resize); window.addEventListener("keydown", on_keydown); window.addEventListener("keyup", on_keyup); // main on_resize(); state = reset_state(state); if (!sessionStorage.getItem("seen-instructions")) {; sessionStorage.setItem("seen-instructions", true); } requestAnimationFrame(loop);