Liz's L-Program Compiler
Developed for Kulyukin's CS5000
L Source
// 0. primitive instructions only // 1. labels match the regex [A-E](:digit:)+. // 2. variables are initialized to zero // and match (Y | (X|Z)(:digit:)+). // 3. instructions must be delimited by a newline. // 4. anything following the comment token "//" up to a // newline are ignored. // 5. by default, a computation that takes more than 500_000 // "procedures", it will be halted. // 6. the implicit exit label "E" exists; thus to exit // prematurely, "GOTO E". // 7. input your initial snapshot in the "variables" map // on the Program in the compiled JS output // 8. for a more detailed view on the grammar, it's at // /godel/grammar.peg // Y <- X1 [ A1 ] IF X1 != 0 GOTO A2 GOTO B1 [ A2 ] X1 <- X1 - 1 Y <- Y + 1 GOTO A1 // Z1 <- X2 [ B1 ] IF X2 != 0 GOTO B2 GOTO C1 [ B2 ] X2 <- X2 - 1 Z1 <- Z1 + 1 GOTO B1 // Y <- Y + Z1 [ C1 ] IF Z1 != 0 GOTO C2 GOTO E [ C2 ] Z1 <- Z1 - 1 Y <- Y + 1 GOTO C1
Compiled JS