const global_state = { iterations: 0 }; const ALLOWED_ERROR = 0.01; const randUpTo = (max) => Math.random() * max const withinError = (a, b, error=ALLOWED_ERROR) => Math.abs(a - b) < error; const normalize = (vec) => { const magnitude = Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y); return { x: vec.x / magnitude, y: vec.y / magnitude }; } const findNextIntersection = ({x, y, dx, dy}, max_width, max_height) => { const slope = dy / dx; const y_intercept = y - (slope * x); const intersections = [ {x: 0, y: y_intercept}, {x: max_width, y: slope * max_width + y_intercept}, {x: -y_intercept / slope, y: 0}, {x: (max_height - y_intercept) / slope, y: max_height} ]; return intersections.find((cross) => { const cross_dir_hat = normalize({x: cross.x - x, y: cross.y - y}); const logo_dir_hat = normalize({x: dx, y: dy}); const in_bounds = cross.x >= 0 && cross.x <= max_width && cross.y >= 0 && cross.y <= max_height; return in_bounds && withinError(cross_dir_hat.x, logo_dir_hat.x) && withinError(cross_dir_hat.y, logo_dir_hat.y); }); }; const handleCollision = (obj, max_width, max_height) => { const collide_y = obj.y <= 0 || obj.y >= max_height; const collide_x = obj.x <= 0 || obj.x >= max_width; obj.dx *= (collide_x ? -1 : 1); obj.dy *= (collide_y ? -1 : 1); return {collide_y, collide_x}; } const updateLogo = (logo, max_width, max_height) => { const {collide_x, collide_y} = handleCollision(logo, max_width, max_height); if (collide_y || collide_x) { logo.dColorWheel = randUpTo(2*Math.PI) logo.onIntersection(logo, max_width, max_height); } logo.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(logo.x + logo.dx, max_width)); logo.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(logo.y + logo.dy, max_height)); }; const drawLogo = (logo, element) => { = `${logo.x}px`; = `${logo.y}px`; = `brightness(0.5) sepia(1) saturate(10000%) hue-rotate(${logo.dColorWheel}rad)`; } const makeSvg = (coords) => { const makeLine = (a, b, color='white') => ``; return ` ${,i) => { if (i == 0) { return; } return makeLine(coords[i-1], coords[i], 'red'); }).join('')} `; } const setBackgroundToSvg = (svg) => { document.getElementById("container").style.background = 'url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+btoa(svg)+')'; } const makeListOfFutureCollisionsAndDraw = (logo, max_width, max_height) => { let next_int = {x: logo.x, y: logo.y, dx: logo.dx, dy: logo.dy}; let intersections = [{...next_int}]; for (let i = 0; i < global_state.iterations; i++) { const next = findNextIntersection(next_int, max_width, max_height); next_int.x = next.x; next_int.y = next.y; handleCollision(next_int, max_width, max_height); intersections.push(next); } // Transform each intersection to the center of the logo => { x.x += logo.width/2; x.y += logo.height/2; }); setBackgroundToSvg(makeSvg(intersections)); }; let drawNewPaths; window.onload = () => { const dvdLogo = document.getElementById("dvd-logo"); let logo = { x: Math.floor(randUpTo(window.innerWidth-dvdLogo.clientWidth)), y: Math.floor(randUpTo(window.innerHeight-dvdLogo.clientHeight)), dx: 2, dy: 2, width: dvdLogo.clientWidth, height: dvdLogo.clientHeight, onIntersection: makeListOfFutureCollisionsAndDraw, dColorWheel: 0 }; setInterval(() => { updateLogo(logo, window.innerWidth-logo.width, window.innerHeight-logo.height); drawLogo(logo, dvdLogo); }, 22); drawNewPaths = () => makeListOfFutureCollisionsAndDraw(logo, window.innerWidth-logo.width, window.innerHeight-logo.height); drawNewPaths(); window.onresize = drawNewPaths; document.getElementById("iteration-slider").value = global_state.iterations; document.getElementById("iteration-count").innerHTML = `${global_state.iterations} iterations`; } document.getElementById("iteration-slider").oninput = function() { global_state.iterations = parseInt(this.value, 10); document.getElementById("iteration-count").innerHTML = `${global_state.iterations} iterations`; drawNewPaths(); }