
85 lines
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Common Lisp
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;; Read a file into a list of lines, trimming whitespace and returning
;; only non-empty lines
(defun read-lines (path)
(lambda (s) (equal "" s))
(mapcar (lambda (s) (string-trim '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab) s))
(with-open-file (stream path)
(loop for line = (read-line stream nil)
while line
collect line)))))
;; Returns a list of sections with [name] as first element and all
;; lines of the section as the second containing properties and
;; specs, skipping trailing and preceding whitespace and empty lines
(defun sections (lines &optional (section-list '()) (current-section "") (current-section-list '()))
(if (not lines)
2022-06-04 16:09:39 -04:00
((nonempty-p current-section)
(cons (list current-section current-section-list) section-list))
(t section-list))
(let* ((line (car lines))
(linelen (length line)))
((= linelen 0)
(sections (cdr lines) section-list current-section current-section-list))
((and (equal #\[ (char line 0)) (equal #\] (char line (1- linelen))))
2022-06-04 16:09:39 -04:00
(sections (cdr lines) (unless (not (nonempty-p current-section))
(cons (list current-section current-section-list) section-list))
(subseq line 1 (1- linelen))))
(sections (cdr lines) section-list current-section (append current-section-list (list line))))))))
;; Get an ordered list of properties associated with [name] of a section
(defun get-section (section-name sections)
(if (not sections)
(let* ((section (car sections))
(current-section-name (car section))
(props (cadr section)))
(if (equal current-section-name section-name)
(get-section section-name (cdr sections))))))
;; Go line by line in section until first element is property
(defun get-property (properties property)
(if (not properties)
(let* ((prop-s (car properties))
(name-val (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (prop-name val)
("^:(\\w*) (.*)$" prop-s)
(list prop-name val)))
(name (car name-val))
(val (cadr name-val)))
(if (equal property name)
(get-property (cdr properties) property)))))
;; Creates the category object from [category] section
(defun create-category-object (category-section)
(make-instance 'category
:name (get-property category-section "name")
:percentage (get-property category-section "percentage")))
;; Creates the splits
(defun create-category-split-objects (category splits-section &optional (splits '()))
(if (not splits-section)
(cdr splits-section)
(list (make-instance 'category-split
:name (get-property splits-section "name")
:category category))))))
;; Driver that takes the config and inserts the category and its
;; splits into the db, obviously requires a mito toplevel connection
(defun import-category (file-path)
((config-sections (sections (read-lines file-path)))
(category (mito:insert-dao (create-category-object (get-section "category" config-sections))))
(splits (mapcar 'mito:insert-dao (create-category-split-objects category (get-section "splits" config-sections)))))
(list category splits)))