Final Commit!

This commit is contained in:
Simponic 2021-04-24 21:20:12 -06:00
parent 0c81053a94
commit 1725b152a0
4 changed files with 197 additions and 141 deletions

helper.lisp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
(ql:quickload "cl-charms")
;; Splits are in the following format
;; (name elapsed-time-for-split best-split split-pb)
(defvar *interval* internal-time-units-per-second)
(defvar *splits*
("Chozo" 0 0 0)
("Kraid" 0 0 0)
("Wave Beam" 0 0 0)
("Phantoon" 0 0 0)
("Botwoon" 0 0 0)
("Draygon" 0 0 0)
("Lower Norfair" 0 0 0)
("Ridley" 0 0 0)
("Mother Brain" 0 0 0)))
(defvar *all-splits* '())
(defun set-val-in-list (list index value)
((null list) '())
((zerop index) (cons value (cdr list)))
(t (cons (car list) (set-val-in-list (cdr list) (1- index) value)))))
(defun get-val-in-list (list index)
((null list) nil)
((zerop index) (car list))
(t (get-val-in-list (cdr list) (1- index)))))
(defun push-on-list (value list)
((null list) (list value))
(t (cons (car list) (push-on-list value (cdr list))))))
(defun read-file-of-splits (filename)
(with-open-file (in filename)
(setf *all-splits* (read in)))))
(defun write-file-of-splits (filename splits)
(with-open-file (output filename)
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
(print splits output))))
(defun print-character-times (n char)
((zerop n) "")
(concatenate 'string (format nil "~a" char) (print-character-times (1- n) char)))))
(defun center-string (string length)
(print-character-times (floor (/ (- length (length string)) 2)) " ")
(format nil "~a" string)
(print-character-times (ceiling (/ (- length (length string)) 2)) " ")))
(defun time-to-milliseconds (time)
(* (/ time *interval*) 1000))
(defun format-time (milliseconds)
((hours (floor (/ milliseconds (* 1000 60 60))))
(minutes (floor (mod (/ milliseconds (* 1000 60)) 60)))
(seconds (floor (mod (/ milliseconds 1000) 60)))
(centis (mod (floor (/ milliseconds 10)) 100)))
nil "~a"
(cond ((zerop hours) "") (t (format nil "~2,'0D:" hours)))
(cond ((zerop minutes) "") (t (format nil "~2,'0D:" minutes)))
(format nil "~2,'0D." seconds)
(format nil "~2,'0D" centis)))))
(defun format-split (split)
((null split) "")
((numberp (car split))
(format nil "~a|" (center-string (format-time (car split)) 12)))
(t (format nil "|~a|" (center-string (car split) 15))))
(format-split (cdr split))))))

View File

@ -1,160 +1,59 @@
(ql:quickload "cl-charms")
(ql:quickload "trivial-left-pad")
(load "helper.lisp")
(load "splits.lisp")
(defvar *splits* '(("Chozo" 0 0 0 0)("Kraid" 0 0 0 0)("Wave Beam" 0 0 0 0)("Phantoon" 0 0 0 0)("Botwoon" 0 0 0 0)("Draygon" 0 0 0 0)("Lower Norfair" 0 0 0 0)("Ridley" 0 0 0 0)("Mother Brain" 0 0 0 0)))
(defvar *all-splits* '())
(defvar *current-split-index* 0)
(defvar *interval* internal-time-units-per-second)
(defvar *start-time* 0)
(defvar current-split '())
(defvar done-splits '())
(defvar last-time-space-pressed 0)
(defvar pb 0)
(defun get-value (list index)
(defun read-in-splits (filename)
((null list) nil)
((zerop index) (car list))
(t (get-value (cdr list) (1- index)))))
((y-or-n-p "Read file")
(read-file-of-splits filename)
(make-run-of-best-segments *all-splits* 0)
(get-best-run *all-splits* (car *all-splits*) (cadr (car *splits*)))
(setf pb (sum-splits *splits* 3))
(setf current-split (car *splits*))
(setf *splits* (cdr *splits*))
(defun change-value (list index value)
((null list) '())
((zerop index) (setq list (cons value (cdr list))))
(t (setq list (cons (car list) (change-value (cdr list) (1- index) value))))))
(defun get-minimum (list index current_minimum)
((null list) current_minimum)
(let ((val (get-value (get-value (car list) index) 3)))
(cond ((< val current_minimum) (get-minimum (cdr list) index val))
(t (get-minimum (cdr list) index current_minimum)))))))
(defun load-splits (index)
(cond ((null (get-value *splits* index)) nil)
(setf *splits*
(change-value *splits* index
(change-value (get-value *splits* index) 4
(get-minimum *all-splits* index 99999999999999999999999))))
(load-splits (1+ index))
(defun read-list-splits (filename)
(with-open-file (in filename :if-does-not-exist :create)
(setf *all-splits* (read in)))))
(defun save-split-file (filename)
(with-open-file (out filename
:direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create
:if-exists :supersede)
(print *all-splits* out))))
(defun current-time ()
(let ((time (get-internal-real-time)))
(cond ((zerop *start-time*) (setf *start-time* time))
(t (- time *start-time*)))))
(defun time-to-millis (time)
(* (/ time *interval*) 1000))
(defun add-to-string-if-not-empty (string suffix)
(cond ((not (zerop (length string))) (concatenate 'string string suffix))))
(defun number->two-wide (num)
(cond ((not (zerop num)) (format nil "~2,'0D" num)) (t "")))
(defun millis->strings (millis)
((hours (/ millis (* 1000 60 60)))
(minutes (mod (/ millis (* 1000 60)) 60))
(seconds (mod (/ millis 1000) 60))
(centis (mod millis 100)))
(number->two-wide (floor hours))
(number->two-wide (floor minutes))
(format nil "~2,'0d" (floor seconds))
(format nil "~2,'0d" (floor centis)))))
(defun time->string (time_strs)
(concatenate 'string
(add-to-string-if-not-empty (car time_strs) ":")
(add-to-string-if-not-empty (cadr time_strs) ":")
(add-to-string-if-not-empty (caddr time_strs) ".")
(cadddr time_strs)))
(defun format-split (split)
((null split) "")
((numberp (car split))
(time->string (millis->strings (car split))))
(t (car split)))
(format-split (cdr split))))))
(defun start-split (split)
(setq split (change-value split 1 (time-to-millis (current-time))))
(setq split (change-value split 2 (time-to-millis (current-time)))))
(defun update-split (split)
((zerop (caddr split)) (setq split (start-split split)))
(setq split (change-value split 2 (time-to-millis (current-time))))
(setq split (change-value split 3 (- (caddr split) (cadr split)))))
(defun format-splits (current_list)
((null current_list) "")
(format nil "|~a|~%" (format-split (car current_list)))
(format-splits (cdr current_list)))))
(defun do-on-current-split (f)
(funcall f
(defun hello-world (filename)
(cond ((y-or-n-p "Read file? ") (progn (read-list-splits filename) (load-splits 0))))
(defun main (filename)
(read-in-splits filename)
(setf last-time-space-pressed (get-internal-real-time))
(charms:with-curses ()
(charms:enable-raw-input :interpret-control-characters t)
(charms:enable-non-blocking-mode charms:*standard-window*)
(setq *start-time* (get-internal-real-time))
(loop :named driver-loop
:for c := (charms:get-char charms:*standard-window*
:ignore-error t)
:do (progn
(charms:clear-window charms:*standard-window*)
(cond ((null (get-value *splits* *current-split-index*)) (return-from driver-loop)))
(do-on-current-split (lambda (x) (update-split x)))
(charms:write-string-at-point charms:*standard-window*(format-splits *splits*) 0 0)
(if (null current-split) (return-from driver-loop))
(charms:write-string-at-point charms:*standard-window* (make-output (push-on-list current-split done-splits) 0 pb) 0 0)
(charms:refresh-window charms:*standard-window*)
(setf current-split (update-split current-split last-time-space-pressed))
(case c
((nil) nil)
((#\Space) (incf *current-split-index* 1))
(setf last-time-space-pressed (get-internal-real-time))
(setf done-splits (push-on-list current-split done-splits))
(setf current-split (car *splits*))
(setf *splits* (cdr *splits*))))
((#\q) (return-from driver-loop)))
(sleep 0.01)
(setf *all-splits* (cons *splits* *all-splits*))
(cond ((y-or-n-p "Save?") (save-split-file filename)))
(get-value *splits* (1- *current-split-index*))
(setf *all-splits* (cons done-splits *all-splits*))
(cond ((y-or-n-p "Save?") (with-open-file (output filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print *all-splits* output))))
(format nil (format-time (sum-splits done-splits 1))))

splits.lisp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
(load "helper.lisp")
(defun sum-splits (splits at-index)
(cond ((null splits) 0)
(t (+ (get-val-in-list (car splits) at-index) (sum-splits (cdr splits) at-index)))))
(defun get-best-run (list-of-runs current-best-run current-minimum)
((null list-of-runs) current-best-run)
(let ((current-sum (sum-splits (car list-of-runs) 1)))
((< current-sum current-minimum) (get-best-run (cdr list-of-runs) (car list-of-runs) (cadr (car list-of-runs))))
(t (get-best-run (cdr list-of-runs) current-best-run current-minimum)))))))
(defun get-best-split (list-of-runs split-index current-minimum-split current-minimum-time)
((null list-of-runs) current-minimum-split)
((current-split (get-val-in-list (car list-of-runs) split-index))
(current-time (get-val-in-list current-split 1)))
((< current-time current-minimum-time)
(get-best-split (cdr list-of-runs) split-index current-split current-time))
(get-best-split (cdr list-of-runs) split-index current-minimum-split current-minimum-time)))))))
(defun make-run-of-best-segments (list-of-runs index)
((null list-of-runs) '())
((null (get-val-in-list (car list-of-runs) index)) '())
(get-best-split list-of-runs index (get-val-in-list (car list-of-runs) index) (sum-splits (car list-of-runs ) 1))
(make-run-of-best-segments list-of-runs (1+ index))))))
(defun update-split (current-split start-time)
(time-to-milliseconds (- (get-internal-real-time) start-time))))
(defun set-column-in-run-from-other-run (column_index run_to_copy list-of-splits)
((null list-of-splits) nil)
(car list-of-splits) column_index (get-val-in-list (car run_to_copy) 1))
column_index (cdr run_to_copy) (cdr list-of-splits))))))
(defun make-output (splits current-sum pb)
((null splits)
(format nil "~%| Current time: |~a|~%| PB: |~a|" (center-string (format-time current-sum) 12) (center-string (format-time pb) 12)))
(format nil "~a~%" (format-split (car splits)))
(cdr splits)
(+ current-sum (get-val-in-list (car splits) 1))

times.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@