(defparameter *colors* '((main . (:green :black)) (timer-box . (:red :black)) (selected-highlight . (:blue :black)) (unselected-highlight . (:white :black)))) ;; Returns (y, x) to draw box to center it in screen (defun center-box (screen width height) (let ((sw (croatoan:width screen)) (sh (croatoan:height screen))) (list (round (- (/ sh 2) (/ height 2))) (round (- (/ sw 2) (/ width 2)))))) ;; Write a list of horizontal slices to the screen scr at position pos (defun write-horizontal-slice-list (scr pos slices) (let ((yi (car pos))) (mapcar (lambda (s) (croatoan:add scr s :position `(,yi ,(cadr pos))) (inc yi)) slices))) ;; Creates a window with the total time and statistics (defun timer-window (speedrun pos width height) (let* ((timerglet (lispglet (format-time (make-time-alist (speedrun-elapsed speedrun))))) (timer-box (make-instance 'croatoan:window :border t :position pos :width width :height height))) (setf (croatoan:color-pair timer-box) (cdr (assoc 'timer-box *colors*))) (write-horizontal-slice-list timer-box '(1 1) timerglet) timer-box)) ;; Class to hold state for a list where one element is highlighted/selected (defclass highlight-list () ((scroll-i :initarg :scroll-i :accessor highlight-list-scroll-i) (elements :initarg :elements :accessor highlight-list-elements) (current-element-index :initarg :current-element-index :accessor highlight-list-current-element-index) (height :initarg :height :accessor highlight-list-height) (width :initarg :width :accessor highlight-list-width))) ;; Create the actual window to render a highlight list hl at position pos (defun highlight-list-window (hl pos) (let* ((width (- (highlight-list-width hl) 2)) ;; Magic number 2's are for the border on both sides (height (- (highlight-list-height hl) 2)) (elements (highlight-list-elements hl)) (current-element-index (mod (highlight-list-current-element-index hl) (length elements))) (elements-to-draw-subseq (if (>= height (length elements)) (list 0 (length elements)) (cond ((> height (1+ current-element-index)) (list 0 height)) ((< (- (length elements) height) current-element-index) (list (- (length elements) height) (length elements))) (t (let ((dy (/ (1- height) 2))) (list (- current-element-index (floor dy)) (1+ (+ current-element-index (ceiling dy))))))))) (highlight-menu (make-instance 'croatoan:window :border t :width (+ 2 width) ;; Another magic 2 :height (+ 2 height) :position pos))) (let ((yi 0)) (mapcar (lambda (el) (setf (croatoan:color-pair highlight-menu) (if (equal (+ yi (car elements-to-draw-subseq)) current-element-index) (cdr (assoc 'selected-highlight *colors*)) (cdr (assoc 'unselected-highlight *colors*)))) (inc yi) (croatoan:add highlight-menu (format-line el width (highlight-list-scroll-i hl)) :position `(,yi 1))) (subseq elements (car elements-to-draw-subseq) (cadr elements-to-draw-subseq)))) highlight-menu)) (defun speedrun-ui (category) (croatoan:with-screen (scr :input-blocking nil :input-echoing nil :cursor-visible nil :enable-colors t :input-buffering nil :input-blocking nil) (setf (croatoan:background scr) (make-instance 'croatoan:complex-char :color-pair (cdr (assoc 'main *colors*)))) (let* ((scroll 0) (frame 0) (state 'TITLE) (redraws '(title-instance)) (speedrun (make-speedrun category)) (csplits (category-splits category))) (flet ((render () (case state ('TITLE (if (member 'title-instance redraws) (croatoan:clear scr) (let* ((padding 3) (width (+ (* 2 padding) (max-length *lispruns-logo*))) (height (+ (* 2 padding) (length *lispruns-logo*))) (logo-centered (center-box scr width height)) (logo-box (make-instance 'croatoan:window :border t :width width :height height :position logo-centered))) (write-horizontal-slice-list logo-box `(,padding ,padding) *lispruns-logo*) (croatoan:refresh logo-box)))) ('RUNNING (update-time speedrun) (if (member 'timer-instance redraws) (croatoan:clear scr)) (if (zerop (mod frame 4)) (let* ((screen-thirds (floor (/ (croatoan:width scr) 3))) (split-list (make-instance 'highlight-list :scroll-i scroll :current-element-index (if (eq (speedrun-state speedrun) 'STOPPED) (1- (length (speedrun-splits speedrun))) (speedrun-current-split-index speedrun)) :height (croatoan:height scr) :width screen-thirds :elements (mapcar #'category-split-name csplits))) ;; :elements `((("FIRST SPLIT IS EPIC" . ,(/ 4 12)) ("" . ,(/ 1 12)) ("10:10:00.22" . ,(/ 3 12)) ("" . ,(/ 1 12)) ("20:00.00" . ,(/ 3 12)))))) (splits-instance (highlight-list-window split-list '(0 0))) (timer-instance (timer-window speedrun `(0 ,screen-thirds) (* 2 screen-thirds) 8))) (croatoan:refresh splits-instance) (croatoan:refresh timer-instance))))) (setf redraws '() frame (mod (1+ frame) 60)) (if (zerop (mod frame 30)) (inc scroll)) (sleep (/ 1 60)))) (croatoan:event-case (scr event) (#\q (return-from croatoan:event-case)) (#\space (case state ('TITLE (start-speedrun speedrun) (setf redraws '(timer-instance)) (setf state 'RUNNING)) ('RUNNING (next-split speedrun)))) (:resize (render)) ((nil) (render)))))))