
114 lines
5.5 KiB
Common Lisp

(defparameter *lispruns-logo*
'("db d888888b .d8888. d8888b. d8888b. db db d8b db .d8888."
"88 `88' 88' YP 88 `8D 88 `8D 88 88 888o 88 88' YP"
"88 88 `8bo. 88oodD' 88oobY' 88 88 88V8o 88 `8bo. "
"88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~ 88`8b 88 88 88 V8o88 `Y8b."
"88booo. .88. db 8D 88 88 `88. 88b d88 88 V888 db 8D"
"Y88888P Y888888P `8888Y' 88 88 YD ~Y8888P' VP V8P `8888Y'"))
(defparameter *colors*
'((main . (:green :black))
(figlet . (:black :white))
(selected-highlight . (:blue :black))
(unselected-highlight . (:white :black))))
;; Returns (y, x) to draw box to center it in screen
(defun center-box (screen width height)
(let ((sw (croatoan:width screen))
(sh (croatoan:height screen)))
(list (round (- (/ sh 2) (/ height 2))) (round (- (/ sw 2) (/ width 2))))))
(defun write-horizontal-slice-list (scr pos slices)
(let ((yi (car pos)))
(mapcar (lambda (s)
(croatoan:add scr s :position `(,yi ,(cadr pos)))
(inc yi))
;; Draws a list of strings horizontally in a window with padding and an optional border
(defun figlet-window (title-slices scr pos &key (padding 2) (border nil))
(let* ((width (+ (reduce (lambda (a x) (max a x)) (mapcar #'length title-slices)) (* 2 padding)))
(height (+ (length *lispruns-logo*) (* 2 padding)))
(title-box (make-instance 'croatoan:window
:border border
:width width
:height height
:position pos)))
(setf (croatoan:background title-box) (make-instance 'croatoan:complex-char :color-pair (cdr (assoc 'figlet *colors*))))
(write-horizontal-slice-list title-box `(,padding ,padding) title-slices)
(defclass highlight-list ()
:initarg :scroll-i
:accessor highlight-list-scroll-i)
:initarg :elements
:accessor highlight-list-elements)
:initarg :current-element-index
:accessor highlight-list-current-element-index)
:initarg :height
:accessor highlight-list-height)
:initarg :width
:accessor highlight-list-width)))
(defun highlight-list-window (hl pos)
(let* ((width (- (highlight-list-width hl) 2))
(height (- (highlight-list-height hl) 2))
(elements (highlight-list-elements hl))
(current-element-index (highlight-list-current-element-index hl))
(elements-to-draw-subseq (if (>= height (length elements))
(list 0 (1- (length elements)))
((> height (1+ current-element-index))
(list 0 height))
((< (- (length elements) height) current-element-index)
(list (- (length elements) height) (length elements)))
(t (let ((dy (/ (1- height) 2)))
(list (- current-element-index (floor dy)) (1+ (+ current-element-index (ceiling dy)))))))))
(highlight-menu (make-instance 'croatoan:window
:border t
:width (+ 2 width)
:height (+ 2 height)
:position pos)))
(let ((yi 0))
(mapcar (lambda (el)
(setf (croatoan:color-pair highlight-menu)
(if (equal (+ yi (car elements-to-draw-subseq)) current-element-index)
(cdr (assoc 'selected-highlight *colors*))
(cdr (assoc 'unselected-highlight *colors*))))
(inc yi)
(croatoan:add highlight-menu el :position `(,yi 1)))
(subseq elements (car elements-to-draw-subseq) (cadr elements-to-draw-subseq))))
(defun run-ui ()
(croatoan:with-screen (scr :input-blocking nil :input-echoing nil :cursor-visible nil :enable-colors t :input-buffering nil :input-blocking nil)
(croatoan:clear scr)
(croatoan:refresh scr)
(setf (croatoan:background scr) (make-instance 'croatoan:complex-char :color-pair (cdr (assoc 'main *colors*))))
(croatoan:draw-border scr)
(defvar windows '())
(defvar current-index 0)
(croatoan:event-case (scr event)
(let ((hl (make-instance 'highlight-list
:scroll-i 0
:elements '("HELLO" "WORLD" "MY" "NAME" "IS" "LOGAN" "HUNT" "AND" "I" "LIKE" "PIZZA")
:current-element-index current-index
:height 6
:width 10)))
(push (highlight-list-window hl '(20 20)) windows))
(push (figlet-window *lispruns-logo* scr '(2 2)) windows)
(inc current-index))
(#\q (return-from croatoan:event-case))
(#\c (croatoan:clear scr))
(:resize nil)
(mapcar #'croatoan:refresh (cons scr windows))
(sleep (/ 1 60))))))