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Aggiedit will be a Reddit clone for university students and businesses with custom domains to share memes or discuss things. When a user registers with a new domain, if a "subaggie" doesn't already exist for that domain, it will be created. Otherwise, they have joined that "subaggie".


  • Learning LiveView (I have experience with Phoenix, but want to checkout the real-time aspect of it)
  • Email sending for authentcation (I've looked into sendgrid for my own domain)


  • User authentication This app uses user authentication and verification to determine if someone actually belongs to a domain, in addition to providing an owner on each post.
  • Database I will need to store rooms, posts, comments, uploads, etc. in a database and be able to make queries to it.
  • Publication This should be relatively easy since I can just copy most of my Docker stuff from my personal Phoenix projects.
  • Usefulness This app will be useful in spreading discussion semi-anonymously.


Task Time
Setting up project with basic authentication from mix phx.gen.auth 1 hour
Adding email verification with SendGrid 1 hour
Creating real-time post timeline and models 2 hours
Adding rooms for each domain; limiting posts to users within that domain 3 hours
Adding static image uploads 1 hour
Associating uploads in db with a post 1 hour
UI cleanup 4 hours
Deployment 2 hours

Total: 15 hours