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Nest Starter App
A starter app with Postgres, NestJS, and React
Tool versions are managed using asdf-vm
. You will need to have asdf-vm
installed first.
Tool versions
Install the tool versions by running
$ asdf install
Install yarn
We will use yarn
instead of npm
for package managment
$ npm install -g yarn
Create a file in the root called .env
and copy the contents of .env.example
To install the server dependencies run
$ yarn # this is same thing as `yarn install`
To install the client dependencies run
$ cd client && yarn && cd ..
Create the database
$ pg_ctl start # starts postgres
$ createdb neststarterappdevelopment # creates a postgres database
Run the migrations
yarn db:migrate
Migrations need to be run again everytime a new migration is created
Create a ssl key and certificate and place them in the root directory
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private-key.pem -out public-cert.pem -sha256 -nodes
Enter US
for the country code. Where this key will only be used for development you can leave all of the rest of information blank.
Running the app
To start the server run
# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev
To start the client run
$ yarn client:watch
# unit tests
$ yarn test
# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e
# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov