2023-02-16 14:08:17 -07:00

823 B


AggietimeD is a simple daemon service written in 2.5 days to do some hacked CAS authentication, then sit in the background, refreshing the AggieTime JWT periodically to ensure the session doesn't expire, and listen to requests over a unix socket, making it easy to write scripts to get Aggie Time data wherever you need it!


Something among the lines of:

git clone
cd aggietime-cli
npm i

sudo npm install -g .
cp .env.example .env
chmod 0700 .env

Then, set your A-Number and password in .env.

Finally (optional), change the values in aggietimed.service and install it in ~/.config/systemd/user, and enable it with systemctl --user daemon-reload && systemctl enable --now --user aggietimed.


Look at aggietimed -h.