Added files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
import math
import random
import pygame
from parse import parse_input
from Node import Node
from globals import *
def createColorFromString(s):
i = hash(s)
r = (i & 0xFF0000) >> 16
g = (i & 0x00FF00) >> 8
b = (i & 0x0000FF) + 125;
return (r,g,b%125 + 100)
def generateRandomVelocity():
dx = random.uniform(NODE_MIN_VEL, NODE_MAX_VEL)
dy = random.uniform(NODE_MIN_VEL, NODE_MAX_VEL)
randomVelocity = (dx, dy)
return randomVelocity
class Graph(object):
# A directed graph which contains nodes
def __init__(self, surface, nodes=[], links=[], file=""):
self.surface = surface
self.nodes = nodes
self.links = links
self.hashLink= {} # This will provide faster access to links
self.file = file
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 15)
self.nodesUnderMouse = []
def fromFile(self, initializeWithRandomVels=True):
# Parse from file
self.nodes, self.links = parse_input(self.file)
# Set the position of each node
square = math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(self.nodes)))
for i in range(square):
for j in range(square):
if (i*square + j < len(self.nodes)):
self.nodes[i*square + j].pos = (int((WIDTH)/(square) * i + 20), int((HEIGHT)/(square) * j + 20))
if (initializeWithRandomVels):
self.nodes[i*square + j].vel = generateRandomVelocity()
self.nodes[i*square + j].vel = (0, 0)
self.nodes[i*square + j].color = createColorFromString(self.nodes[square*i + j].text)
def updateNodePositions(self, dt):
for i in self.nodes:
i.update(dt) # Update the position for velocity
def randomNodes(self):
# Populate nodes with random ones
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
position = (20 + i * 80, 20 + j * 80)
radius=random.randint(5, 15)
self.nodes.append(Node(position, generateRandomVelocity(), color, radius, text))
def randomLinks(self):
for i in range(random.randint(1, 1000)):
# Each link is (source, destination, weight)
self.links.append((random.choice(self.nodes), random.choice(self.nodes), 1, "BRUH"))
def updateHashLinks(self):
# This will also calculate the radius for each node
for i in self.links:
# Hash links appear in the dictionary as:
# source_node : [(node1, weight1, description1), (node2, weight2, description2)]
if (i[0] not in self.hashLink.keys()):
self.hashLink[i[0]] = []
self.hashLink[i[0]].append((i[1], i[2], i[3]))
for i in self.nodes:
if (i in self.hashLink.keys()):
i.radius = max(min(len(self.hashLink[i]), NODE_MAX_RADIUS), NODE_MIN_RADIUS)
# The node has no outer links
i.radius = NODE_MIN_RADIUS
def drawLinks(self, node):
# Draw all of the links from one node to all of its neighbors
if (node in self.hashLink.keys()):
for i in self.hashLink[node]:
pygame.gfxdraw.line(self.surface, int(node.pos[0]), int(node.pos[1]), int(i[0].pos[0]), int(i[0].pos[1]), RED)
midPoint = ((i[0].pos[0] + node.pos[0])/2, (i[0].pos[1] + node.pos[1])/2)
render=self.font.render(i[0].text, True, WHITE)
self.surface.blit(render, midPoint)
render=self.font.render(i[2], True, WHITE)
self.surface.blit(render, (midPoint[0] + 10, midPoint[1]+10))
for i in self.links:
if i[0] == node:
pygame.gfxdraw.line(self.surface, int(node.pos[0]), int(node.pos[1]), int(i[1].pos[0]), int(i[1].pos[1]), RED)
midPoint = (abs(i[1].pos[0] + node.pos[0])/2, abs(i[1].pos[1] + node.pos[1])/2)
render=self.font.render(i[1].text, True, WHITE)
self.surface.blit(render, midPoint)
render=self.font.render(i[3], True, WHITE)
self.surface.blit(render, (midPoint[0] + 10, midPoint[1]+10))
def draw(self):
# Draw the graph for i in nodes:
mouseX = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]
mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]
if (self.nodesUnderMouse):
# If the node is under the mouse draw the links and the node
# content
for i in self.nodesUnderMouse:
render=self.font.render(node.text, True, WHITE)
self.surface.blit(render, (node.pos[0]+node.radius, node.pos[1]+node.radius))
# Now we can finally draw the nodes!
for i in self.nodes:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import random
import pygame
from pygame import gfxdraw
from globals import *
class Node(object):
# A node object contains data for each node
def __init__(self, pos=(1,1), vel=(1,1), color=RED, radius=10, text="A"):
self.pos = pos # This position is the center of the node
self.vel = vel # Velocity vector
self.color = color
self.radius = radius
self.text = text
self.updateB= True
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, int(self.radius * 2.4))
def update(self, dt):
if (self.updateB):
if (self.pos[0] <= 0):
self.vel = (random.uniform(NODE_MIN_VEL, NODE_MAX_VEL), self.vel[1])
if (self.pos[0] >= WIDTH):
self.vel = (-random.uniform(NODE_MIN_VEL, NODE_MAX_VEL), self.vel[1])
if (self.pos[1] <= 0):
self.vel = (self.vel[0], random.uniform(NODE_MIN_VEL, NODE_MAX_VEL))
if (self.pos[1] >= HEIGHT):
self.vel = (self.vel[0], -random.uniform(NODE_MIN_VEL, NODE_MAX_VEL))
x = self.pos[0] + self.vel[0] * dt
y = self.pos[1] + self.vel[1] * dt
self.pos = (x,y)
def draw(self, surface):
# Draw the node
gfxdraw.aacircle(surface, int(self.pos[0]), int(self.pos[1]), self.radius, self.color)
gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, int(self.pos[0]), int(self.pos[1]), self.radius, self.color)
# Draw the text at the center of the node
textItem = self.font.render(self.text[0], True, BLACK)
textWidth = textItem.get_rect().width
textHeight = textItem.get_rect().height
surface.blit(textItem, (int(self.pos[0] - textWidth/2), int(self.pos[1] - textHeight/2)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import pygame
from Graph import Graph
from Node import Node
from globals import *
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
graph = Graph(screen, file="finalGraph.txt")
isNodeUnderMouse = False
node1 = None
node2 = None
while (running):
isNodeUnderMouse = False
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
file = open(input("Where would you like to save the graph: "),"w")
for i in graph.links:
file.write(i[0].text + " " + i[1].text + " " + str(i[2]) + " " + i[3] + "\n")
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
find = input("Name of node: ")
for i in graph.nodes:
if i.text == find:
i.color = BLUE
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
mouseX, mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
for i in graph.nodes:
if(mouseX > i.pos[0] - i.radius and \
mouseY > i.pos[1] - i.radius and \
mouseX < i.pos[0] + i.radius and \
mouseY < i.pos[1] + i.radius):
if (node1):
node2 = i
description = input("Description of link: ")
if (description != "no"):
graph.links.append([node1, node2, 1.0, description])
node2 = None
node1 = None
elif (not node1 and not node2):
node1 = i
isNodeUnderMouse = True
if (not isNodeUnderMouse):
newNode = Node(pos=(mouseX, mouseY), vel=(0,0), text = input("New node text: "))
node1 , node2 = (None, None)
mouseX, mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
for i in graph.nodes:
if(mouseX > i.pos[0] - i.radius and \
mouseY > i.pos[1] - i.radius and \
mouseX < i.pos[0] + i.radius and \
mouseY < i.pos[1] + i.radius):
i.color = GREEN
if (i not in graph.nodesUnderMouse):
if i in graph.nodesUnderMouse:
if (i.color != BLUE):
i.color = RED
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
Set Cartesian_Product 0.7 Is an operand of
Cartesian_Product Product 0.9 Is a type of
Product Operation 1.0 Is an
Set Ordered 1.0 Can be
Ordered Unordered 1.0 Is opposite to
Unordered Ordered 1.0 Is opposite to
Set Unordered 1.0 Can be
Set Element 1.0 Contain many
Element Set 1.0 Is the smallest unit of
Sets Relation 0.6 Can describe
Relation Function 1.0 Is another word for
Function Mapping 1.0 Is another word for
Mapping Relation 1.0 Is another word for
Relation Function 1.0 Is another word for
Function Onto 0.7 Can be
Onto Function 0.7 Describes a property of
Function One_To_One 0.7 Can be
One_To_One Function 0.7 Describes a property of
Injective One_To_One 1.0 Is another word for
One_To_One Injective 1.0 Is another word for
Onto Bijective 0.5 Is half of requirements for
Onto Surjective 1.0 Is another word for
Surjective Onto 1.0 Is another word for
One_To_One Bijective 0.5 Is half of requirements for
Bijective Function 1.0 Is a type of
Bijective Onto 0.5 Requires
Bijective One_To_One 0.5 Requires
Function Quantifier 0.6 Can be bounded by
Quantifier Predicates 0.9 Can describe
Quantifier For_All 1.0 Includes
For_All Quantifier 1.0 Is a
For_All all() 1.0 Is the same as Python
Quantifier For_Each 1.0 Includes
For_Each Quantifier 1.0 Is a
For_Each any() 1.0 Is the same as Python
Quantifier DeMorgan_Laws 0.6 Is negated by
DeMorgan DeMorgan_Laws 1.0 Created
DeMorgan_Laws Logic_Gate 1.0 Describe negation of
DeMorgan_Laws Quantifier 1.0 Describe negation of
Relation Binary 0.4 Can be
Binary Function 0.8 Has 2 inputs for
Binary Number_System 0.9 Is a base 2
Binary Tree 0.9 Can be a
Relation And 1.0 Can be
And Logic_Gate 1.0 Is a
Logic_Gate Truth_Table 1.0 Determines output in
Truth_Table Boolean 1.0 Is represented in computer by a
Boolean Binary 1.0 Is represented by
Relation Or 0.7 Can be
Relation Xor 0.7 Can be
Relation Not 0.7 Can be
Relation Symmetric 1.0 Can be
Symmetric Undirected 1.0 Describes graph type
Relation Transitive 1.0 Can be
Relation Reflexive 1.0 Can be
Relation Equivalence 1.0 Can be type
Equivalence Binary 0.6 Requires type
Equivalence Modular_Arithmetic 0.8 Describes
Modular_Arithmetic Chinese_Remainder_Theorem 1.0 Soves linear systems by
Modular_Arithmetic Modulus 1.0 Is described by
Equivalence Congruence 0.8
Congruence Equivalence 0.8
Modulus Modular_Arithmetic 1.0 Describes
Sets Element 0.8 Is a combination of
Element Combination 0.6 Can be rearranged by
Combination Element 0.6 Rearrange
Combination Combinatorics_Probability 1.0 Is studied in
Element Permutation 0.6 Are rearranged by
Permutation Element 0.6 Rearrange
Permutation Combinatorics_Probability 1.0 Is Studied in
Permutation Factorial 0.8 Is calculated by
Combination Factorial 0.8 Is calculated by
Factorial Product 1.0 Is a
Permutation Seating 1.0 Can be represented by
Combination N_Choose_K 1.0 Is represented by
Set Subsets 1.0 Contain
Set Intersection 1.0 Is an operand for
Set Union 1.0 Is an operand for
Intersection Operation 1.0 Is an
Union Operation 1.0 Is an
Complex_Numbers Real_Numbers 1.0 Has subset of
Real_Numbers Complex_Numbers 1.0 Is a subset of
Real_Numbers Countable 0.6 Are not
Countable Cardinality 1.0 Has the same _ as N
Natural_Numbers Real_Numbers 1.0 Is a subset of
Real_Numbers Natural_Numbers 1.0 Contains
Natural_Numbers Integers 1.0 Is a subset of
Integers Real_Numbers 1.0 Is a subset of
Integers Number_Theory 1.0 Studies
Real_Numbers Real_Analysis 1.0 Is the study of
Supremum Real_Analysis 1.0 Is the greatest upper bound
Infimum Real_Analysis 1.0 Is the lowest lower bound
Complex_Numbers e^(i*pi) 0.7 Describe the relation
e^(i*pi) Eulers_Formula 1.0 Can be proved by
Eulers_Formula Euler 1.0 Was created by
Complex_Numbers Eigenvalues 1.0 Can be
Number_Theory Primes 1.0 Conjectures about
Primes log(n) 0.6 Below n is a ratio of
Number_Theory Alternate_Base_Repr 0.8 Deals with
Alternate_Base_Repr Binary 1.0 Can be
Binary Alternate_Base_Repr 1.0 Is a
Number_Theory Coprime 1.0 Two number can be
Coprime GCD 1.0 The GCD is 1
GCD Euclidean_GCD 1.0 Can be calculated by
Euclidean_GCD GCD 1.0 Calculates
Euclidean_GCD Modulus 1.0 Is calculated by
Number_Theory RSA 1.0 Describes
RSA Public_Key_Encryption 1.0 Is a type of
RSA Primes 1.0 Is a product of
Number_Theory Residue_Number_Systems 1.0 Studies
Residue_Number_Systems Modulus 1.0 Determined by
Modulus MMI 1.0 Is inverted by
Modulus Congruence_Relation 1.0 Is an example of a
Real_Analysis Real_Numbers 1.0 Is the study of
Real_Analysis Irrationality 1.0 Describes
Real_Analysis Cardinaility 1.0 Defines
Real_Analysis Set 1.0 Defines cardinality of
Set Bijective_Function 1.0 Has same cardinality when _ exists
Bijective_Function Bijective 1.0 Is
Cardinality Countable 1.0 Defines
Tree Graph 1.0 Is a more constrained version of
Graph Complete 1.0 Can be
Graph Wheel 1.0 Can be
Graph Bipartite 1.0 Can be
Bipartite Complete 1.0 Can be
Graph Cube 1.0 Can be a
Cube 2^n 1.0 Contains nodes
Graph Nodes 1.0 Contain
Nodes Vertices 1.0 Another word for
Vertices Nodes 1.0 Another word for
Nodes Degree 1.0 Has property
Degree Out_Degree 1.0 Can be type
Degree In_Degree 1.0 Can be type
Graph Undirected 1.0 Can be
Undirected Symmetric 1.0 Describes relation that is
Graph Directed 1.0 Can be
Graph Paths 1.0 Are explored by
Paths DFS 1.0 Can be generated by
Paths BFS 1.0 Can be generated by
BFS Stack 1.0 Uses
Stack Push 1.0 Has operation
Stack Pop 1.0 Has operation
Graph Cycles 1.0 Can contain
Graph Psuedo 1.0 Can be type
Psuedo Loops 1.0 Can contain
Graph Planar 1.0 Can be
Planar Intersection 1.0 Can be rewritten with no
Graph Non-Planar 1.0 Can be
Non-Planar Intersection 1.0 Cannot be rewritten without
Graph Multigraph 1.0 Can be type
Multigraph Edge 1.0 Has multiple
Graph Digraph 1.0 Can be type
Digraph Binary 1.0 Can be represented with relation of type
Graph Adjacency_Matrix 1.0 Can be represented by
Graph Incidence_Matrix 1.0 Can be represented by
Graph Subgraphs 1.0 Can have
Subgraph Subset 1.0 Is a _ of the original graph
Graph Intersection 1.0 Can be operand of
Graph Union 1.0 Can be operand
Graph Complement 1.0 Has property
Complement Complete 1.0 Contains non-present nodes in
Tree Rooted 1.0 Can be
Tree Branches 1.0 Contain
Branches Paths 1.0 Are explored by
Branches Leaves 1.0 Can extend to
Branches Arc 1.0 Is also known as
Branches Edge 1.0 Is also known as
Tree Perfect 1.0 Can be
Perfect 2^n 1.0 Has _ leaves
Tree Balanced 1.0 Can be
Tree Recursion 1.0 Can be explored by
Recursion log(n) 1.0 Generally bounded by
Tree AVL 1.0 Can be
Tree Parsing 1.0 Can describe
Parsing Language 1.0 Is a problem of
Parsing Finite_Automata 1.0 Determined by
Finite_Automata Nondeterministic_FA 1.0 Are constrained types of
Finite_Automata State_Machine 1.0 Is a type of
State_Machine Accepting 1.0 Has state
Accepting Boolean 1.0 Is a
State_Machine Rejecting 1.0 Has state
Rejectinve Boolean 1.0 Is a
Parsing Grammar 1.0 string is accepted by
Grammar Production 1.0 Is defined by many
Production Nonterminal 1.0 Contains
Production Terminal 1.0 Contains
Production Regular_Expression 1.0 Can be identified with
Regular_Expression Union 1.0 Is operand of
Regular_Expression Concatenation 1.0 Is operand of
Regular_Expression Star 1.0 Is operand of
Tree Permutation_Tree 1.0 Produces
Permuation_Tree Permutations 1.0 Explores all
Tree Binary 1.0 Can be
Tree Huffman_Tree 1.0 Can be a
Huffman_Tree Compression 1.0 Explores
Huffman_Tree Compression_Ratio 1.0 Has
Compression_Ratio Encoding 1.0 Determined by a fixed length
Huffman_Tree Balanced 1.0 Is better when not
Huffman_Tree Bottom_Up 1.0 Is built with
Tree Full 1.0 Can be
Tree Complete 1.0 Can be
Set Graph 1.0 Can describe the edges in a
Chinese_Remainder_Theorem Modular_Arithmetic 1.0 Uses
Incidence_Matrix Matrix 1.0 Is a
Bottom_Up Parsing 1.0 Is algorithm for
Full Tree 1.0 Describes a
Matrix Eigenvalues 1.0 If square contains
Combinatorics_Probability Combination 1.0 Studies
Combinatorics_Probability Permutation 1.0 Studies
Primes Coprime 1.0 Are always
Sets Set 1.0 Is the plural form
all() Function 1.0 Is a
any() Function 1.0 Is a
Seating Permutation 1.0 Is a problem good for
Permutations Permutation 1.0 Is the plural form of
Permutation Permutations 1.0 Is singular
Permutations Permuation_Tree 1.0 Are explored by
Permuation_Tree Tree 1.0 Is a type of
Permutation_Tree Permuation_Tree 1.0 Is a duplicate of
Nonterminal Production 1.0 Is part of a
Language Alphabet 1.0 Contains a
Alphabet Element 1.0 Is made up of
Production Grammar 1.0 Defines a
Arc Edge 1.0 Is synonymous to
Edge Arc 1.0 Is synonymous to
Edge Paths 1.0 Describes
Paths Edge 1.0 Follow
Directed Graph 1.0 Is a type of
Eigenvalues Matrix 1.0 Are properties of a square
log(n) Function 1.0 Is a
Subset Subsets 1.0 Is singular of
Subsets Subset 1.0 Is plural of
Subsets Set 1.0 Are contained in
Subset Set 1.0 Is a smaller part of
Adjacency_Matrix Matrix 1.0 Is a
Adjacency_Matrix Graph 1.0 Represents
AVL Tree 1.0 Is a type of
Subgraphs Graph 1.0 Are smaller parts of a
Xor Logic_Gate 1.0 Is a
Or Logic_Gate 1.0 Is a
Pop Stack 1.0 Is an operation of
Push Stack 1.0 Is an operation of
Push Operation 1.0 Is an
Pop Operation 1.0 Is an
Nondeterministic_FA Finite_Automata 1.0 Is an ambiguous form of
Balanced Tree 1.0 Describes
Transitive Relation 1.0 Describes a
Stars_And_Bars N_Multichoose_K 1.0 Are described by
Stars_And_Bars Combinatorics_Probability 1.0 Are studied in
N_Multichoose_K Stars_And_Bars 1.0 Describe
Combinatorics_Probability N_Multichoose_K 1.0 Studies
N_Choose_K Combination 1.0 Describe
Alphabet Language 1.0 Describe elements in a
Alphabet Terminal 1.0 Can be made of many
Alphabet Nonterminal 1.0 Can be made of many
Irrationality Real_Analysis 1.0 Is explored in
Not Logic_Gate 1.0 Is a
Alternate_Base_Repr Primes 1.0 Can be made of
Natural_Numbers Primes 1.0 Are products of
2^n Function 1.0 Is an exponential
Loops Python 1.0 Are in
Python Language 1.0 Is a
all() Python 1.0 Is in
any() Python 1.0 Is in
Complete Graph 1.0 Describes
Node Subgraphs 1.0 Is the smallest
Node Nodes 1.0 Is singular version of
Nodes Node 1.0 Is plural of
Out_Degree Nodes 1.0 Is property of
In_Degree Nodes 1.0 Is property of
Out_Degree Directed 1.0 Is not equal to in degree when
In_Degree Directed 1.0 Is not equal to out degree when graph is
Directed Edge 1.0 Describes property of
Edge Directed 1.0 Can be
Cardinaility Cardinality 1.0 Is a duplicate of
Wheel Graph 1.0 Descibes
Bipartite Graph 1.0 Describes
Bipartite Onto 1.0 Describes a graph that is
Cube Graph 1.0 Describes
Cycles Graph 1.0 Can be found in
Cycles DFS 1.0 Are found via
DFS Paths 1.0 Explores
Cycles Paths 1.0 Are types of
Rooted Tree 1.0 Describes a type of
Star Regular_Expression 1.0 Is an operation that forms
Concatenation Regular_Expression 1.0 Is an operation that forms
Concatenation Alphabet 1.0 Requires
None Python 1.0 Is in
Modulus Congruence 1.0 Is a type of
And Python 1.0 Is in
Function Python 1.0 Can be defined in
Terminal Alphabet 1.0 Can be part of
Function Codomain 1.0 Contain
Range Python 1.0 Is in
Function Range 1.0 Contain
Domain Function 1.0 Describes a
Codomain Function 1.0 Describes a
Range Codomain 1.0 Is a subset of
Codomain Range 1.0 Is a superset of
Real_Numbers Codomain 1.0 Is the _ for real-valued functions
Leaves Tree 1.0 Are the bottom of a
Psuedo Graph 1.0 Is a type of
Relation Graph 1.0 Describe the relations in
MMI Modulus 1.0 Finds the identity of a _ operation
Compression Encoding 1.0 Studies the best type of
Compression Huffman_Tree 1.0 Is explored by
Recursion Binary 1.0 Is used in binary search
Recursion Tree 1.0 Is the best way to explore a
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
WIDTH =800
WHITE=(255 , 255 , 255)
BLACK=(0 , 0 , 0 )
RED =(255 , 0 , 0 )
GREEN=(0 , 255 , 0 )
BLUE =(0 , 0 , 255)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# Author: Logan Hunt
import pygame
from Graph import Graph
from Node import Node
from globals import * # Global variables
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH,HEIGHT))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
update = True
graph = Graph(screen, file="finalGraph.txt")
nodeUnderMouse = None
# Main loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# If the user closed the window
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_f:
searchTerm = input("What would you like to search for? ")
for i in graph.nodes:
if searchTerm in i.text:
if event.key == pygame.K_c:
graph.nodesUnderMouse = []
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
if (update):
update = False
update = True
if event.key == pygame.K_p:
for i in graph.nodes:
if (i not in graph.nodesUnderMouse):
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
mouseX, mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
for i in graph.nodes:
if(mouseX > i.pos[0] - i.radius and \
mouseY > i.pos[1] - i.radius and \
mouseX < i.pos[0] + i.radius and \
mouseY < i.pos[1] + i.radius):
i.updateB = False
if (i not in graph.nodesUnderMouse):
if i in graph.nodesUnderMouse:
i.updateB = True
if (update):
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
from globals import *
from Node import Node
def findNode(node, listOfNodes):
for i in range(len(listOfNodes)):
if node.text == listOfNodes[i].text:
return i
return len(listOfNodes)
# Each file is in the form
# <source> <destination> <weight>
def parse_input(filename):
nodes = []
links = []
lines = open(filename, "r").readlines()
for line in lines:
# Parse each line and add to links array
if (not line == "\n"): # Line isn't empty
line_split = line.split(" ")
currSrc = Node(text=line_split[0])
currDest = Node(text=line_split[1])
currSrc_index, currDest_index = (findNode(currSrc, nodes), findNode(currDest, nodes))
appendSrc, appendDest = (False, False)
if (currSrc_index == len(nodes)):
appendSrc = True
if (currDest_index == len(nodes)):
appendDest = True
if (appendSrc):
currSrc_index = len(nodes)-1
if (appendDest):
currDest_index = len(nodes)-1
if (len(line_split) > 2):
connection_description = "".join([str(x).strip() + " " for x in line_split[3::]])
connection_description = ""
# Append the connection to links
links.append((nodes[currSrc_index], nodes[currDest_index], float(line_split[2]), connection_description))
return [nodes, links]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user